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01/21/2004 - 2:03 a.m. | butt motors

My happiness is directly related to whether or not my computer is working. I woke up this morning fairly satisfied with my place in the world, even if I hadn't gotten a whole lot of sleep. I rolled out of bed and turned on my computer, planning on checking my e-mail, reading some stuff, whatever. Once again, no juice. Computer won't turn on. I guess I should have suspected something last night when I shut the computer off, and my optical mouse stayed on. Arg - so, there's a lousy note to begin the day on.

My legs aren't used to as much bike riding right now, but I'm giving them the chance to bitch. You're either fast and cold or slow and colder.

The setup of the psych building (my new home) is pretty insane. So, follow all the room numbers in order until right up until the end, then go all the way the opposite, entirely random hallway, and you're there! This has happened twice already, and each time I've run into some confused-looking girl who is heading to the same place. Too bad my sense of direction is not much better. Way to fail as a male, Nate. First class was pretty useless, but at least it was short (or I made it so). The only problem is that this left me plenty of time to go back to the apartment and stare at my useless computer. Instead, I ran pretty much every conceivable errand I could think of. And still there was loads of time to absord shit TV. I tried, I really did.

Abnormal psych seems like it will be more interesting than sensory and perception, but it will also be a little harder, the difference being that I will have to actually attend the former to get an A. Not the latter, though!! AH HA HA. Although I shall try and be good. In AbPsych, we were all supposed to say something interesting about ourselves, and while I do have a few things that I think are worth telling, I'm pretty sure most people would find them incredibly lame. The robot suit, for instance. Or the Avril posters (even though I don't like her). The class did not seem to understand that, or maybe they just didn't believe me. Already I have been branded. We were divided into small groups for discussion, and even though I would never, ever talk to people otherwise, when I have to, I am both polite and proficient. Get me in so I can get me out. We were supposed to draw a picture of what we thought of when we heard the word "abnormal," and since I sort of had a feeling that everyone else was going to be all PC about it, I drew a guy in a straightjacket with spiders crawling all over him and bottles of pills spilled about. Mr. Sensitivity.

We watched a couple of clinical studies of people and had to decide whether or not they were abnormal, and if so, if they had a mental illness or not. So, the first lady was an obvious nutjob (she thought she was having an affair with this DJ she'd never even met before), the second guy was just content. He worked as a movie projectionist and spent his free time reading, and he didn't really like spending time with people, and he didn't feel bad about it, and I thought, "Hmmm, maybe I could end up like that someday." And then the TA told us he was schizoid. Uh... Nevermind.

It's funny how I can be like... well, how I am, and then this kid in the class is so, so eager to speak up. And he has a fucking speech impediment, for Christ's sake! I don't even want to talk when I know I can with relative fluidity and charm, and he stutters and still pipes up all the time. Just don't understand.

Came back home to sink into the couch, scavenge, and try to continue not thinking about the state of my computer. Once that got old, I made some ramen in a cup and sat silently in Kyle's room while he played Uniball and listened to world music or something. I went with Spritz to Wendy's, although he didn't like the idea of me coming in with my cup. I thought it was hilarious.

Dank came with Zouie, Yousaf, and Will to pick up Spritz and get books, and since I'm up for any respite, I came along as well. Lap dancing required. After some research around the stores and online later on, I've determined that, sadly enough, buying books at the stores is probably my best bet, unless I'm willing to go for like the 1990 version of each text. I had this brilliant speech about vaginas. What can I say? When you're on, you're on. I could never improv on command. Even my improv is improv.

I went back to Dank's to watch "American Idol" or something. The preliminary episodes are pretty much the best ones, so hopefully I won't need to drag this out much further.

Yousaf came back here to try and fix the problem. He fiddled around lots and lots, and we thought we had it for a while, but so much for that, I guess. So, once again, Doc Ock (as I have fondly named the second power source attacking my computer) is online until I can piece together $70 for a new power supply. Donations accepted. On the plus side, I called Microsoft, and apparently they don't pay their employees enough to care about piracy because I got my damn version of Windows activated!!1 I think Yousaf was going to have a conniption from the yellowish flickering of my monitor, but at least he made it a point to needlessly scare me. "You know, it could short out at any time. Or send a surge back into the computer that would ruin your video card." Thank you, buddy. Unfortunately, I have to worry more about eating right now, thank you.

I finally started playing UO as was required. I dunno - taking games seriously is so hard for me. I just tamed a bunch of chickens and ran around screaming about how I was the Animal Lord or something. Then I lost my password and had to start over. King Smart.

Dank, Yousaf, and I watched Serendipity. Both Cusack and Beckinsale are amazingly hot. It's too bad that the plot was one big sitcom annoyance about just missing the other person over and over again, and I'm sorry if this isn't going anywhere, but I grow weary. Or shrink weary. Either way.

I won't be soothed,