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01/19/2004 - 1:19 a.m. | now i've got you... where i want you

Feeling a touch off, which I guess partially explains my reluctance to write an entry. On Saturday, I once again bent the laws of physics so I could cram most of my stuff in my bag, and I was done well in advance (because that's just the type of guy I am), so I had time to watch a good portion of some movie with Ricki Lake and Brendan Fraser. I also finished off the last of the damn peppermint sticks... sort of. I found a sizable chunk left in my pocket today, but as I am not one of those people who have qualms about eating stuff out of their pockets, problem solved. These entries are a lot less fun when I remember them.

On the way to meet Dank, we saw a PT Cruiser flipped over in the ditch. Now, assuming no one was hurt (... of course I care!), that is the funniest thing ever. Actually, since I am a callous person anyway, just skip that whole "no one was hurt thing." I have to go wash my forearm.

Dank and I giggled like ninnies to his comedy CDs for a few hours through all the fog and slow cars, and then we were back. Yousaf asked when I was going to bring over the computer parts to put them together. I pictured trying to lug a series of boxes over to his place on the back of my back, then trying to balance a computer on the way back. "No thank you," I said, and he sure as hell wasn't willing to come over here. The impasse begins.

My brain doesn't like things being unpacked, but I rarely listen to my brain. Instead, I follow my heart and spend two hours rearranging Avril posters so that they form some sort of... cohesive statement about Miss Lavigne. It was like a live-action version of Tetris, and I suck balls at Tetris, which explains the length of time I took. Kyle and Brytne got home and for some reason took an interest in watching me browse ebay. I don't even take an interest in that. Perhaps they have been a little lonely together, which is hard to explain, but I think most couples will get it? For some reason, we listened to my Christmas mix CD, and believe me, it is nothing you'd expect.

Frankie showed up at our place with Manny and Elliot, then Kyle and Brytne promptly left to get Chinese food, leaving me to entertain. I am not the one who is left behind as host. No no no. Thank God for Slamball, and the fact that everyone involved tries to take basketball with trampolines so seriously. Later, "Iron Chef" and to the theatre for Big Fish. The more I think about it, the less I like it, so I'm going to try and not think about it. Also, the triple meaning in the title was a little excessive.

Yousaf came over to build my computer (I think apathy is the best form of trickery) and watch Pulp Fiction. It's funny; the whole movie is so damn memorable, but it just doesn't all quite fit together for me. Hmmm. I'm picky, though. Yousaf took a break from wrapping plasti baggies around his hands to play Pizza. How to play Pizza: Order a "big ass" (no, seriously) pizza from Gumby's. Divide it in half. Try to eat your half in as little time as possible. Yousaf got a time of about fifteen minutes, and I was disqualified for not being able to eat the whole thing and whining about how I'd "have to puke" if I did. Of all the many, many things that aren't my strong suit, eating gross quantaties of greasy food is probably at the top of the list. Or is that the bottom?

Yousaf finished putting the thing together and left it up to me to put in XP and get drivers and shit. Which means we have another week. Sleep and then a big crazy sun ray in my eye however many hours later. I woke up trying to think of ways to get money without, you know, work. I would seriously sell my bodily fluids, but I can't see how anyone would want them. I don't even want them, but they do keep my organs in place. Frankie and I watched Will Smith as "The Fresh Prince" and then Kyle came home early from work because of his eye demons or something, so we all watched "Beastmaster." I cannot believe what shitty, shitty shows WGN decides to show. And how do they get sponsors. We discussed this ourselves, specifically in the context of Snickers. We assume there is some sort of package deal. Anyway, good show. We screamed about the insane plot points and terrible overall quality of everything. It was fun. They understand. And plenty of free Welch's 100% Grape Juice that Kyle found underneath a cart at Sam's. I'm convinced if you dumped in some vodka, you'd have a kickass litle bottle of merlot, but no one wants to try it. Then there was their really bizarre movie about old black people who didn't speak clearly. At least that was what I got out of it.

We met Brytne for lunch. Subway Beerslut seemed a little confused about the idea of soup, but then, I was sort of confused with the idea of debit cards, so we're even. Spanish rice with chicken is just a bit too limey to be soup. I like to think of it as a garnish gone terribly wrong.

Frank left not too long afterwards, and I finally unpacked (with the door shut because Kyle was testing out his new CD player with Alanis, and that is a beast I did not wish to tame). Kyle's been pushing me to play his Gameboy Advance for whatever reason, and I totally got sucked into this game "Advance Wars." It's just this weird little anime looking war simulator thing, but it's so much fun. I never get caught up in shit like that, and there I was. Hours and hours passed. In fact, the power went out for almost two hours here, I think, and I barely noticed.

At 7, there was an IMPE meeting I had to get to. My bike is just a little bit stiff, but this was nothing compared to my hands after the ride there. Tons and tons of people always feel it is quite important to note that it's cold outside, and I have this theory that these people don't really have anything to talk about, so they just mumble complaints to fill the space because I guess someone has to speak. Silence is golden, I say. You won't find me doing that. I'm much happier being eerily silent than eerily talkative. Which is why most of my two hours at IMPE tonight was spent glaring. So, we had this big long meeting to promote unity or something through, what else, dodgeball. Once again, apathy for everything but getting hit in the face saw me through. Then we had to do some quiz about things we should know about campus rec. I was happy with one of my answers. "Where can you find the in-line skating pads?" Next to the in-line skating tampons. But why bother even telling it? I'm just... very antisocial today, I guess. We got new t-shirts, though! Blue!! Long and short-sleeved. The shirts alone make the job worth it. Right now, there is a shift open at Freer that I really want to get, but we can't go in for it 'til tomorrow, and of course, it is already after 2, so that's not going to happen.

I'm just... a little annoyed right now, I guess, and I'm sorry about that because, for one thing, I'm not even really sure why. I guess I just expected things to have... changed somehow? In me or otherwise. And they haven't really. So I just need to reconcile. And sleep. Yes, sleep.

I won't be soothed,