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12/19/2003 - 1:06 a.m. | can i kiss your furrowed brow and calm your nervous heart?

So quickly it is 1. OK, not too quickly, but it still sort of feels like it. Woke up at 11 and tried very hard to force myself to study. I more or less succeeded. Whenever I got distracted, I would wander into the kitchen and smell the pan of old Hamburger Helper someone didn't wash. It reeked of clam chowder. That isn't natural. Anyway, it got to 1 p.m. pretty fast, but that last 15 minutes before I needed to leave for the test was just hell. I hate that period must of all. It makes me do strange things. I found a random straw and started intently drawing spirals on it in permanent marker.

It seems we got some snow last night, so now I am officially the only, only person on campus who rides a bike. Every bump is a small terror, but that's what makes life worth living, I would think. I certainly seem much happier than all the people bundled up with their heads down and all pissy. Anyway, the test! I was much better prepared this time for exactly the type of questions he would be asking, so I think I did fairly well. Maybe even a A, although I don't want to get my hopes up. Certainly was more crowded than usual today. I sat by Iron Maiden guy with all the lip rings. Funny part was that he randomly laughed at me 3/4 of the way through the test. Huh?

Spritz and I took a snow adventure to get in some good tanning before the break. It seems all the other fags had the same idea, though, because it was crowded for the first time in forever. To kill time, I tried to pick up some new hair gel gunk. All other cosmetics I can make a near immediate decision on. Not my hair, though. I still haven't even decided what quality I would like my hair to possess. Flat? Poofy? Pointy? Yeah, no idea. I just go by smell then, which leads me to, like, curlier curls or something. Nice, long tan today - it's sort of fun being really warm in the middle of nasty coldness.

What have I done since then? Uh, I guess I started reading Love Hina again, which is quite lame, but something must be done, right? When Kyle came back, we watched "Star Trek" and played some Glove-Fan. I keep thinking about taking a nap, but it's more difficult to just drift off when the computer right next to your head is making terrible grinding noises. We eventually took Kyle's temporary pimpmobile (which you might recognize as the rounded minivan that makes terrible screeching noises whenever it turns - in fact, I swear I noticed it driving by earlier today before I even knew it was his. Even thought about mentioning it to Spritz, but I fear criticism, I think.) to get Brytne and Jevon and go to late night. Free donuts, man! And some additional things. The anti-lock brakes almost killed us?

Anyway, back here. I'm trying to find a Super Nintendo game that will withstand my drunken attention span. "Harvest Moon" did not do it, so I'm looking for "Mario Paint," even though I suspect it could be a little redundant. I don't even bother wearing matching clothes anymore. Navy blue and black? Yeah, that probably works. I'm such a clod. I was also thinking that I am the most empathetic shallow person you will ever meet. I mean, I have tendencies that would make me form shallow relationships except that I don't want anyone to get hurt and avoid them instead. I'm not exactly tired, but everyone has an 8 a.m. final tomorrow, so I'm sort of high and dry as fa as undertakings go. Man, I am such a dork.

Always drink from the bottle labeled "XXX." The bottle with the skull-and-crossbones on the front is poison.

I won't be soothed,