annals | guests | diaryland

12/12/2003 - 2:06 a.m. | unfortunately, today's the day for birdwatching

Waking up at 6 is not pleasant. It's all dark and cold and hateful and they try and make you study econ! No no no. I clutched Stitch tightly and did my best to prepare in my hour beforehand, then off to class. The test really wasn't too bad. I knew most of the questions, minus a few slips, and there was the one I didn't know at all, but the lecture slide was missing, so I can hardly be blamed (much) for that. Anyway, it's done, bringing the total of classes I am completely done with up to... one (more to come, though!).

On the ride home, it was so, so cold, and I could think of nothing better than getting into a nice, warm bed and sleeping a few hours away. On Busey, though, right before Green on the brick part, I was riding along when all of a sudden I mysteriously exploded off my bike. That's all I can think of to describe it. There wasn't any mud or ice or rocks or anything for me to fuck up on. My seat was stiff from the cold, but I wasn't even riding no handle. Anyway, I took a monstrous dive. I lied there for a minute and just yelled, "OW!" Then, deeming it was prolly not wise for me to continue lying on the road, I crawled into the grass, leaving my bike in the middle to suffer. "This is all your fault, you ass!" Because of the cold, I was extra stiff and painful, but I was more worried about my jeans because if I got a hole in them, I would be quite pissed. Stupid easily-destroyed jeans. Luckily, no holes... Or rather, just holes in me. Two big scrapes on my knees, a bizarre gash in my ankle, a scrapped up elbow, two raw hands, a dislocated shoulder or some shit, and my left knuckle just totally fucked up. Arg - climbed back on and rode angrily home. Sleep.

Up four and a half hours later to shower and wait around for Spritz so that we could go out for lunch. This requires him to overcome his vanities long enough to leave the mirror so we can actually depart, though, so it took a while. Finally, we hit the road and dined with the freaks at Wendy's. Spritz dropped me off at the Union where I frantically threw together the remnants of my advertising project and turned it in. From there, I went to meet Professor Pastreich and the rest of the class to go to Japan House. I got a ride from a guy who listened to country and said "Aight" every few minutes for no particular reason at all. He is an enigma.

I've only seen Japan House from the outside, but it's pretty damn adorable. Of course, that could've been because we all had to take off our shoes and socks are freaking adorable. Anyway, we were there to participate in a tea ceremony. Well, not a real one because those are crazy complicated. More like "Into To." A group of Girl Scouts were there visiting as well, and I'm glad they were so open-minded because the chaperones were pissy and dumb. Anyway, the lady who did the ceremony was cute as all hell with her little half smile and pink kimono and shit. The ceremony is really impressive in its simplicity. Like, it looks like it should be so easy to do, but the movements are all so subtle and precise that it takes years and years of practice to get down. I was the first one to get served my little cookie, and I think I screwed up twice so don't I feel like a clod. On the plus side, I was the only person in the group who was able to sit on my knees throughout the whole program (the traditional way). Thank you, perching. The little cookies were really yummy, and the tea rocked. It was green tea which I think they picked themselves, but I'm not exactly sure. But instead of soaking leaves like normal, they ground them up into a powder and mixed the water with that instead. Made the tea look like pea soup :) I made friends with the girl next to me (who actually was in my class but was very quiet) by more or less making a fool of myself. I'm glad the old methods still work.

I signed up for Japan House's mailing list before I left. There was also a list for people who wanted to volunteer there, but I'm so totally white that I dunno if they'd really want me around. It would be cool to learn tea ceremony, though (U of I offers a class which I could conceivably try to take at some point). Or at least be the guy who rakes the rock garden.

Got a ride home from the one girl in my class. Shoot, why are names so unimportant to me? Then it was straight to work on my journalism feature. I banged it out at a pretty good rate, I'd say, taking the occasional break to, dunno, watch the whole damn Kim Possible movie. I did not say I was a model citizen. I finished not too long after and then went to Meijer with Yousaf for gum and limeade. Yousaf participated in a one man debate to determine which type of ice cream he should buy. We ran into Kyle's brother there who was searching for some Glad product that I don't exactly remember. He just wanted to learn how it worked. Seemed like a very Wild thing to do. Reminded me a lot of Kyle.

Came home and declined on Spritz's offer to go out dancin' with him (even though I would sincerely enjoy it, I have a feeling I would have to be physically dragged out) so as to play another SNES RPG. My time just got sucked away. Neato. Lisa says I should learn to play the banjo because I would look awesome doing so, and Yousaf assembled a prototype for my potential computer that I need to get approval on.

I won't be soothed,