annals | guests | diaryland

11/17/2003 - 11:16 a.m. | and now, a brief interlude by will...

BrooHoo: ok we were wandering around and we see a pizza guy get out of his car and go up to the dorms ok wen he is a good distance away i run up to his car and open the back and check for pizza(there isnt any)
BrooHoo: anyway as im checking the last bag i hear hey you what the fuck get the fuck out of my car
BrooHoo: i raise my hands in the air and wave them around as i sprint off
BrooHoo: rather than taking the sidewalk
BrooHoo: i run about 10 feet inside the sidewalk
BrooHoo: i jump over one fence
BrooHoo: then try to jump over another and trip
BrooHoo: i get back up run around a third fence ripping about half the sleeve to my hoody off in the process
BrooHoo: and hide
BrooHoo: wait like 3 min
BrooHoo: get up start wallking with the frat guys again
BrooHoo: get to the corner
BrooHoo: a car squeels up and i start bookin it pizza guy gets out yells you aint gonna get away fucker and runs after me again
BrooHoo: i sprint accross this park area
BrooHoo: and hide in this fountain that is mostly empty
BrooHoo: then like 5 min later i get up and am safe
BrooHoo: anyway the frat guys say the fat pizza guy was hillarious
BrooHoo: first he threw the pizza he was delivering down on the ground
BrooHoo: right in front of the people he was supposed to deliver it to
BrooHoo: you could here them yell
BrooHoo: also he ran like you would expect a fat person too
BrooHoo: extremely poorly

I won't be soothed,