annals | guests | diaryland

11/07/2003 - 1:52 a.m. | perhaps i do have connections?

And maybe I just didn't know about it? I got 2 e-mails from [email protected] today about some party. The first was on this huge, huge list of people that I am going to keep just in case I never need to hassle a lot of you. The second was a far more selective list of people, and I have no idea how I got on it. Anyway, both messages said the same thing:

**506 S. FOURTH  APT # 105
**12am- ???
**ROLL DEEP!!!!!!!

How did this happen, I wonder? Perhaps they were going for mwalsh or bwalsh or something like that? Otherwise, I have no idea how I would know this person. I guess I should just ask. And they are online right now.

OK, results inconclusive. They still wouldn't say who they are, but that they just invited everybody. This mostly makes sense except for the fact that I made the "short list" on the second e-mail, and it looked like it was very specific, and I have no idea why any one would have a specific need for me. Anyway, I was told to "bring u'r friends" so I think I'm going to go, and you probably should too because it is more than likely a trap, and I'm going to need some extra fingerprints on the gun, OK? OK.

I won't be soothed,