annals | guests | diaryland

11/05/2003 - 2:55 a.m. | vampires everywhere

Michelle said today that my diary was good for procrastinatin', and I'm all about helping you, the reader, get done with less overall, so I would be happy to give you lots more entries. Would that I actually had some stuff to write about, I mean. Once again, I think about life with my wagon down here. I would leave for days at a time and came back with fantastic tales. "Well, I'm banned from Iowa." It might be nice to have someone along, but 1) who in hell would be willing? and 2) there would be another person around to serve as a group conscience, and good stories never come out of that. "See, to win my car back from the old man, it looked like I was going to have to orally please him. 'But Nate,' Ron said. 'Homosexuality is against God's word!' 'So it is,' I said, and we walked home.' BO-RING. I need some real world experience, and I don't even know what that shit is yet, so I've got a lot to do.

Everyone was mysteriously gone today, so I sort of assumed they decided not to skip as much class as usual. This left the apartment eerily dead and Nate eerily sad. I played much more Mega Man than I would ever have intended, and I looked up Soleil Moon Frye (TV's Punky Brewster!) over and over again. Did you know she once had 36DD breasts and got them reduced so as to not throw out her back? Boobs, I still do not understand. I mean, I'm glad someone grabbed mine, but his motivation was no clearer, except perhaps as a step along the path to my (theoretical) cooter.

Eventually, I decided that I had to accomplish something substantial today (and obviously class does not count), so I started working out my schedule for next semester. I have so decided that I am on the path of a psych double major, and if things work out all right, I'll still be done in roughly 4 years. Normally, I would not consider you caring enough to post my tentative schedule, but as it appears to be my self portrait (happy face, twisted intestines, lopsided testicles), I might as well. Yeah. I'm actually very excited about having psych courses again. I am genetically predisposed to being good at liberal arts, so I guess I sort of feel like I am back in my niche. Pretty much my only real human contact all day was with Michelle, and since I annoy/bore the hell out of her (and I'm not saying this isn't my intention), this ain't so hot. Sometimes I think the world is lacking a little more compassion than it should.

Everyone is going to see the new Matrix movie tomorrow, except I somehow got the shaft. On the plus side, Eric's party! And apparently, Kitty and Brytne might come to Freer with a TV and DVD player no less, so that we can watch Requiem for a Dream. From what I've heard, it will be the perfect movie to get me in a party mood!!

I got sick enough of cereal to make some salty Pokemon mac and cheese. I crave salt lately, but I do not want my blood to explode within my veins, so I try to - ahem - fight the moonlight.

I got suddenly inspired, so I ran out to get some stuff for my studying friends and myself. It took my forever to find a couple movies I wanted to see. Me and this black guy wandered around the store forever. I wanted at least one of the two movies to be about vampires, but I was kind of looking for a modern look. Somehow this led me to get an 80's movie: The Lost Boys. Actually, I went back and forth between it and this indie vampire movie that got really good reviews. I kept going to the line with one, switching, and coming back again. I made the wrong choice. I also got Dark City because I wanted something dark and pretty and how could I afford to miss out on the charms of Jennifer Connelly? It also meant I had a cohesive theme - Keifer Sutherland in annoying roles! From there (and after this very harrowing period where I had to run from Rentertainment to the bathroom in Panera, removing my drawers just in time to avoid diarrheaing all over myself!!!!!), I rode to Schnucks for shake supplies. Along the way, I saw this girl with the most perfect, PERFECT!! legs ever. Oh my God - I can't even describe, although the phrase "from here to ya-ya" is a good start. So long and smooth and not too tan but a little and shapely and man - you couldn't even being to understand. In my own lame way of complimenting people (I could never do it directly, see), I screamed, "NICE GAMS!" as I rode by. Nice. I'm starting to bunny hop to music, meaning I have had about a 300% increase in number of times I've almost tumbled over. I am a little speed demon, however.

My fresh strawberry shakes were really good! The Lost Boys was not. Why does so much of the 80's suck? Why do these supposed tough guy vampires just hang around a crappy amusement park all day? Why are all the clothes so gay? WHY!! Dark City was better, despite Keifer's raspiness and Jennifer's eyebrows.

Since everyone seems to hate that I watch the Disney Channel so much, I am trying to lay off, Pavlov style. Every time something totally idiotic happens on, I use Kyle's shock lighter. Hopefully, this will rectify the problem. I'm also trying to use it in the same way as a Shelly deterrent ;) ;) She just IM'd me to let me know how cool my screenname is. Mm-hmm.

I still suck at foosball and catching things, but I try, right? I am sort of tired now, but maybe sugar will kick in? Not one of us understands Allen Wittman's psyche. Spritz and I walked to the gas station (after some videos) so I could get candy. Chewy SweetTarts. Like all chewy candies like that, they give me a headache, but apparently it is tolerable. OK, enough. I feel sort of sick. Bleck. Night.

I won't be soothed,