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10/21/2003 - 2:01 a.m. | second banana

Once the Disney Channel starts marauding your subconscious, you know you've had too much. I dreamt I was on the set of "Even Stevens" and that it was very crucial for me to remember how to speak Spanish. Also something to do with mud wrestling? And then Hal Brown informed me that our internet connection is so wishy washy because of the router. Riiight.

After reading a short story about submarines the other day, I've changed the way I shower. In order to conserve water, I rinse, turn the water off, lather, and rinse again. I still stretch things out long enough that I would probably be accused of a "Hollywood shower," but it makes me feel better than I'm cutting back after all these years.

I've been trying to find a touch lamp that isn't like Spritz's, but mostly my results have been God awful. I assumed touch lamps were considered high technology and would therefore be very classy and modern. Apparently, they are almost entirely associated with white trash. Designs include wolves, eagles, flowers, and Jesus - all on ugly, pseudo-Tiffany-style lampshades. The best I've seen are from England, and apparently in England they don't answer their e-mail, so I guess that's it.

Mostly I just listen to "Terrible Vision" and ride around on my bike. I dunno if anybody else experiences those moments of pure happiness, but I sure am glad when I get one. I was riding no handed down Oregon, arms out, looking up at the sky. Weather was incredibly pleasant - warm with a nice breeze, sunny, clear, blue sky. The music swells, and I can't help but smile. Maybe if some things were different, I could have a few more of those perfect moments, but I can hardly complain that I have any at all. I make it a point to store them up and call on them when I really need 'em.

Mondays are pretty quick and useless, much like... well, I can't think of a clever metaphor, so we'll go with my penis, which is just entirely bizarre (as is all genitalia). Journalism is a pain because I try to pay attention, and it's therefore insipid and awful, and stats is just me reading in a less comfortable chair than usual. I've got some things that need clearning up so don't let me forget, OK? "Nate - do things." Thanks so much.

Spritz and I ran out to the mall where I broke down and bought some shit. Books mostly, because I apparently do not have enough. Hopefully, I don't smell bad. This is besides the point.

Had my first bubble tea in a while (also muffin) before work, which sort of sucked because the heater was on again, and the security guard seemed to think I was a whiny bitch for asking him if maybe he could call the guy to turn it down again. That's all I said, and it wasn't even for me because I sit by a window. The sweaty weightlifters are the ones who really suffer. But anyway, I guess I'll just pass as a little shit. It makes me happy when anyone says hello to me. That's pretty weak of me, isn't it? All reading for 4 hours tonight. Some of it is so uninteresting, but I can mostly shove through if I take breaks to read better stuff in between. I am looking forward to next semester, but I really have to work at making this one a little more stimulating first Sewing starts as soon as I get some supplies, and I'm gonna cook, and suggestions for costumes are rolling in. So far, my two favorites are Angela Lansbury (from Lis) and Avril Lavigne (from Bash).

After work, I tried to stick to the usual tradition of watching two hours of wrestling, but man, it fucking sucks, and "I Love the 80's Strikes Back" is so good, so there was really no chance. I started to get sleepy for a while there and was dangerously close to a "little" nap that would eventually become a full night's rest, but Spritz got me up to go to the store. Got dinner supplies and some junk, and now I'm good for a bit longer. But not much. Fortunately, it is nearly 2:30, and I consider that respectable, if not really brilliant. Too pointy to cuddle, I guess.

I won't be soothed,