annals | guests | diaryland

10/10/2003 - 12:17 a.m. | kiss me now that i'm older

Today was not a day of inspiration, but I do not feel uninspired, if that is any consolation (and if you understood it, of course). Maybe. I took a particularly long time in the bathroom today, which I am sure is some sort of vanity coming out at the seams. I did pick up my room, so the day cannot be called entirely useless because, had today not occurred, my room would still be messy.

An unusual combination of the elements of style, I guess you'd say.

Spritz, Kyle, and I went out for Vietmanese food, but first I had to drop off my advertising assignment at my TA's office in Armory. I am not 100% I actually slipped it under his door, but I know it is near his door, so I expect partial credit. Had boring old fried rice, but I can't be accounted for my moods. Or so I like to think. The Thai iced tea was good, though, and all debts are paid, I think.

The internet has been suck all day. It's pretty easy to fix; you just unplug and replug the cable modem so that it resyncs, but it is still sort of a stupid hassle. So often slow or unresponsive. Like me in a math class! *rimshot* Annoying.

Sat for a while until Yousaf IM'd to see if I wanted to with him, Will, and Zou to the mall. In his lavendar car!! Hell, yes. See, KB Toys got fucked in some lawsuit, so to karmaically balance things, they are having a sale - 30% off all purchases over $30. So, since we need to build some bases, Will and I were pretty gung ho, but we forgot the crucial fact that KB sucks balls. I once again contemplated my expansive Hot Wheels flaming death track, but it would cost me at least $40 to start on it, and I think I can do better. The echo machine was tempting, just because it amuses me so much to hear me talk. With an echo!! Me!

We hit Toys Backwards R Us afterwards, but they just had more sucky Legos that were way overpriced and all had stupid themes and customized, useless pieces. Society is going downhill, even from my youth. Where are the castles and pirate ships? Harry Potter and Star Wars? Is imagination just dead in its tracks? Zimos was there, so we briefly discussed tomorrow's test ("Any idea what to study?" "Nope." "Good."), and I spotted a copy of DDRMax 2!!, which I wanted so, so bad (it has KYLIE on it!), but the trolls would bitch and everyone's gone and busy so nevermind. Look, I'm bitching too.

Nate + speed = Conan, I'm almost sure of it. If I just had that extra kick, I could so be a good talk show host. Speaking of which, what look do you think I should go for next? Mutant is getting a little old. I would like to go for a darker look (brown hair, brown eyes, darker skin), but that would require tanning, and it wouldn't work, and I'd get skin cancer, and that would just be a stupid way to die. No obnoxious colors, please. Well, probably.

By the time I got home, I was twitching on the floor itchy, so Spritz and I went to Schnucks to get some generic gunk as well as more soymilk and some energy drink called "ROCKSTAR" because Tommy Lee for sure drinks it. "It's what makes my penis so big," he says.

Dear Girls,

Please explain why the penis is attractive. No, seriously. 10 points to your respective House for a good answer.

Nathan Walsh

Actually, those were things I bought. Spritz buys water and clothes. We are different in that aspect. I beat Mega Man 7 - the games just get more and more ridiculously difficult. I hate them, and yet I must go on because... well, what else would I do? I read for a while and watched some TV, and it looks very much like we aren't going out for ice cream after all, which is a touch disappointing, but I could always run to the store if I really had to have something. I might just go to sleep. I'm looking forward to this weekend, although I could not say why specifically. I would first like to show you what I want my soccer jersey to look like. I mean, if I could design one:

Swift, right? You should learn to sew, I think.

I won't be soothed,