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10/09/2003 - 3:31 a.m. | :D like you�ve got nothing to prove

Man, I have a whole day to get through, don't I? I felt like Taj Mowry's writer on "Smart Guy" when I said that. Up for trouble? No! Up from sleep! Meditation continues to astound me. It makes me feel really profound afterwards, except I don't actually have any, you know, profound thoughts... so I'm sorta stuck (hint: "meditation" is one letter away from "medication") JLit was just an amazing wad of dull today. I practiced printing the alphabet over and over. I think I have pretty badass handwriting, should you care (hint: you should not). I came up with this theory that The Tale of Genji is actually a huge satire, and everyone is just too dumb to figure it out but me. The professor sure as hell didn't get it. I smell a term paper! Ran some errands (new issue of McSweeney's - I've decided that I need to read more, even if it costs me a retardedly huge amount) before stats. I like irony way too much. "So much it's IRONIC?" Fuck off.

Will has been craving an archnemesis with a volcano base (which would require him to have an underwater base, of curse), and I volunteered to be his low budget rival. Paper mache volcano vs. aquarium of doom! We're not sure how it's gonna work yet, but it will be an elaborate version of Capture the Flag involving spies, seduction, traps, army men, and alka seltzer. We rule so much.

I have been putting this off for a while, but I desperately need a new bike seat. The whole thing is hanging on one little bolt now, so it swings about wildly and makes scary noises. I will be thrown from it, and it will be awesome. Actually, should my bike make it through to the spring, I am going to seriously mod it. I want a basket or some gay shit like that on it sooo bad.

OK, I am definitely the sanest one in my anxiety group. I mean, not that the others are so, so bad or anything... I've just been so much better lately that I feel kinda guilty for being there. Strangely, I'm content. That is strange, right? I mean, I'm living the same crappy existence I was a few weeks ago when I was wigging out, and now I'm more or less happy with the way things are. Anyway, this could just be me being bipolar or something, so I try to pay attention, but all the group leader does is reiterate the book. Lame. Over and over again, I kept wanting (and occasionally attempting) to speak up and correct her on things because I have been there, and she doesn't understand it completely. I could be so much more sympathetic. She just seems... fake a little. Some of the things she does just seem... off to me. And then I think, maybe I could be good at this sort of thing, maybe I should look into it, but I dunno - would I be able to keep caring? Because if I didn't care anymore, I shouldn't be doing it.

Came home, rapidly crammed pizza in my gullet while watching bad TV with Brytne, fled towards work. My original plan was to study for the econ quiz, but there is no econ quiz, and I think I'm going to study for journalism with Imran tomorrow, so I was stuck without much. I read a little tiny bit, but I just wasn't up for that. Actually, what I really wanted to do was listen to music, but I thought it would be rude if I listened to headphones the whole time, so I made a series of attempts to hack the IMPE computer once again, this time to install Winamp so I could play CDs. After a good deal of sorcery (what the hell, Nate?), I managed to get it all up and running. No sound card. Moron. Back to headphones. Asshole. I managed to piss off both John Shevlin and a lifeguard by letting him go into the pool when classes were still going on. Fine, whatever.

Upon arriving at work (disjointed, eh?), I talked to the three little kids who hang out at the swim meets for their older siblings. They had Hot Wheels cars and were flinging them wildly up the walls, nearly killing each other over and over. One suggested I should call myself Sonic, while the other stood in a corner, dropped the car behind his back, and yelled, "Look! I pooped a car!" Amazing, these kids.

Now that I�ve got the disease
In a way I'm relieved
'Cause I don�t have to stress about it like you do
I might just get up and dance
Or buy some acid washed pants
If you don�t care
Then you got nothing to lose

Winning arguments is fun, even if I do it rarely. To look up: robot cows. No, seriously. In the meantime, Michelle visited for a while, which was nice of her (we attempted to get the Pop Tarts out of the machine using a lever). The turkey sandwiches I made tasted like salami, which is not cool; I told Spritz to eat the rest of the assmeat. Stupid soymilk makes me a timebomb. The time passed by pretty fast, actually. Kyle and Brytne came by to see Dr. Science (and smell the amazing B.O. of room 310) and then we went to Eric Szczneiak's party (LAME!) more to rescue Michelle than anything.

We started watching The Lion King (well, the Circle of Disney Channel Stars' music video for "Circle of Life" anyway) when Spritz called for an escort. That would be me. I'm glad my priorities are as straight as they are. Unfortunately, my bike was at Freer still, so I had to go there first. The whole year, I kinda thought that even though I was riding my bike a lot, my legs weren't getting any stronger. Wrongo. I ran all the way from our place to Freer, no problem. I used to have trouble going from Europa to Allen. I rule. Sweaty (so my skin is absolutely horrid now) but speedy. Rode quickly to meet Spritz who had already moved on to other things. I caught up with him, and we talked while he hassled the drunks on Green St. (and there are some winners! I smell a new passtime! "You're too fat!" HAHAHA - not that I mind). We slowly headed towards home, I lost another bike vs. bus race (I need traffic for the advantage), and then we sat on the porch and talked for a while longer, making the occasional trip to spy on Sarah Lucas as she watched "Family Guy." *sigh*

Finally got around to the movie, which was so, so good. It made my eyes water with happiness. The music and the story and everything just rock! I wisely avoided singing along with all of the songs (and I could've!) and just soaked it in. Lost some mad foosball (although I did beat Brytne, bringing my record up to 4-9733746734), more escorting, and I think I am finally done now.

I won't be soothed,