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10/07/2003 - 2:29 a.m. | twist the knife

I dunno - it was a pretty lame night, I guess, but I find myself less disappointed than usual. I argued up my stats grade to a B- (woo woo - that's a solid B if I went to the University of Hawaii), came home, and ate stale bread until it was time to go to work. I was pretty apathetic about working, but I did get a lot of schoolwork done. Unfortunately, someone decided to leave the radiators in my hallway on super high so that it was roughly Sahara temperature. I asked the security guard if he could do anything about it. "Nope - only one person can fix it, and he's not here." Oh. Opening windows was useless, so I just had a few hours in a sauna. I read journalism, did most of my stats homework, and finally caught up on my reading for crazy group. The book is so redundant; sort of annoying. Why don't they just let me edit everything for them?

By the way, did you know I've been meditating lately? Yeah, that's sort of weird, isn't it? It seems out of character, but it is a nateskill, and it's supposed to be nothing but beneficial. Weird how your mind gets all floaty.

Home for bad TV. First wrestling, which I think I am seriously disgusted by, but I hide this disgust by acting amused. Watching a limo t-bone into a semi was pretty cool, though. As was watching women try to tear each other's eyes out. Followed by Most Extreme Challenge, which is this insane Japanese show where these teams are given physical challenges with much potential to get hurt (e.g. climbing a fake mountain as big boulders topple down towards them, crossing a long river of slippery rocks). The dubbing is pretty lewd, and the show is lowbrow, but that seems to be what I stand for these days. Michelle came over, we played foosball (I am getting dangerously close to winning a game against her, the thought of which seems to horrify her), she rapidly vanished (without saying goodbye, I might add!). I attempted more crocheting. I am pretty slow but at least partially adequate now. It is Spritz's birthday today; I wanted to get him some clothes from K-mart, but I am immobile like that. Man, stuffy nose.

The quality of my entries is rather low. This needs to be rectified. And we have to do some chores around here. I love you.

I won't be soothed,