annals | guests | diaryland

09/16/2003 - 10:48 p.m. | on the supposed golden path

Man, my nose hurts. Spritz got out of class early, so he, Michelle, and I went to Best Buy and Office Depot in search of those cute little USB flash stick memory things. They've finally dropped enough in price that is conceivable to buy one, which is exactly what Spritz did. Unfortunately, his has the annoying habit of restarting his computer the second he plugs it in, so I think he's taking it back. Meanwhile, I am in search of one adorable enough for me to consider keeping around. Because I am so damn selective. I also really want this $20 pen at Office Depot because the comfort grip feels like touching boogers. Yes, this is desirable. We also ate lunch at Wendy's. During the day, it seems, the staff consists of old people, not mutants. I suppose that's refreshing.

"I had not yet developed the tools to mentally or physically handle the sort of curves she was working with."

Arriving home, I decided that the noblest undertaking I could pursue would be trying to beat all of the Megaman games on emulator. Again. But man, if the original ain't harder than shit. Even constantly saving and reloading, there is just no margin for error. I'll beat you yet, Cuntman. I mean, Cutman. Brytne kept IMing and fucking up my game, so I decided it was in my best interest to go out grocery shopping with her and Spritz. According to some brief calculations, I spend about $20 a week in groceries. This leaves $40 to spend on eating out and my other stupid bullshit (assuming I work only minimum hours at IMPE and whatnot). If only I didn't have that annoying "school" to pay for, I would be financially set.

In an effort to surprise Kyle, we made him tortellini with artichokes, which is apparently my specialty. I can make other things, though. Promise. Anyway, Brytne is a terrible liar, so he caught on right away, but still, pretty good for half an hour's work. And we all ate together, which is good for unity. More Megaman :( (because I sure as hell wasn't gonna watch "Remembering John Witter" or whatever) and then Kyle and Brytne asked if I wanted to go get chai with them. I did, but I don't have any money on me, so I was just there. It was nice of them to ask, but I sort of worry I'm just in the way. I wish I weren't such an inconvenience. On the way back, we were summoned by some church group ("cult") to have our picture taken for some scavenger hunt ("fanatical crusade") they were on. Fine, no sacrificial altar, though. That's my one term.

Brytne consistently tried to get us to run through the fountain, but it is a little different now that home is not just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Meanwhile, Kyle and Brytne's never-ending quest to kill a rabbit raged on. Kyle found a big chunk of driftwood (I realize that we don't have driftwood here in Illinois, but I am hoping the word will provide you with a better mental picture. If not, kindly suck a dick) and was hurling it at the poor little bunnies scuttling around. Meanwhile, Brytne threw rocks. I have no idea why they want to kill bunnies. They're so cute and all they do is hop around and eat clover! Therefore, they must be destroyed. Not cool. It started out with them just wanting to catch one, but somehow it evolved into full scale destruction. This frightens me a little.

However, I would not be against getting pellet guns (preferably pistol pellet guns, preferably two of them for me) just because I want to be Mr. Pink, and it's as good of a start as any.

As we approached home, Kyle and I once again had our discussion about how it looks like it'd be so easy to climb up to the lower roof from the porch. It's not, of course; the roof juts out and there's no way the gutter could support anyone, but one can dream. Anyway, plans got modified a little, and Kyle and Brytne both took a shot at climbing the tree adjacent to our window. They had that whole "fear" thing going against them, though, so I took it upon myself to gradually, stupidly climb up much higher than anyone ever should. I ended up about, dunno, 20 feet above the ground, dangling from this one tiny branch by my arms, swinging back and forth and trying to build up enough momentum to make a leap to the roof. It's not possible. So close, but still very, very far. Maybe if there were a few more people to egg me on. Got me this far, didn't it?

Came in and started to read when I decided to check the Advertising website on a whim. Good thing I did because there was an online quiz due before noon tomorrow. I flew through it, of course; I'm just glad I didn't miss it. What to do now then? Spit the seeds from the non-seedless grapes that Spritz bought off the roof? I think so!

xColeman7x: there's a red stanza always parked outside my apartment
xColeman7x: it always reminds me of you

This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

I won't be soothed,