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08/07/2003 - 9:32 p.m. | i don't stand a chance, in this fucked-up world

What a day. Oh - forgot to punctuate. What? A day? That didn't help. Welding and orchid rings, orchid rings and welding. I made ninety dollars and twenty-one cents. Eat it. And I really only work like 7 hours now (ha!), so that's nearly $13 an hour. Suckers. It was so refreshing not being super exhausted and only normal old sleepy all day. And coffee really does put stress on my systems, which is why I try to avoid it mostly.

Not much to tell today. I began mentally constructing a romantic comedy screenplay today, realized that you have to know something about women to write about them, and gave up. Killed the time, though! I also decided that I have no problems in my life. That's a pretty sweet deal.

By the way, I think I have even managed to increase overall productivity in the factory. I've noticed that Doughboy winds a little faster lately. I think he's pissy that I always get ahead of him, so he's trying to win again. Man, I'm hungry. *wander*

Hmm - I guess that's all for work? Drove home, eating samich and happily yelling Fountains of Wayne (on the radio even! what is the world coming to?) Read and tried to sleep, but I guess it was not in the stars, so instead I rummaged through all my junk to try and find stuff to sell at the neighbors' garage sale. I have so much shit and am willing to part with so little of it. Good news: Wagon is fixed and back home! Yippie! I missed it! *hugs* Seems louder, though, maybe... Still, it is maroon and roomy and all mine! Bad news: Cute (the fish) has died. And he smelled like old fishsticks. :( Read to pass most of the night. The BFG!! I didn't remember half of the shit about that book that I shoulda, so I decided to reclaim my memories. And eat chicken and wild rice soup. Get a life. It's so cute, though! I love the way the BFG speaks. "Dreams is not like human beans or animals. They has no brains. They is made of zozimus." ??????? IMPE sent me a checklist of all the shit I'm gonna have to learn to be a Team Leader. There is a lot. Being a boss is hard. I have to talk to people and unlock doors and stuff. It's all worth it for the POLO SHIRT, though.

Every summer, at about this time, my right wrist starts to hurt a lot whenever I move it at all. It's been happening for three years now, and it takes a good while to go away. It's like a terribly annoying visitor.

Speaking of which, I'll be journeying throughout the great state of Illinois for the next several days, so prolly no updates until Monday. Get over it.

Perfect Disguise, a la Bill:

billehcee: ^_^
billehcee: just do that alot
billehcee: you just have to make inverted peace signs with your fingers over your eyes
billehcee: and make you lips into a straight line

You seriously need to see me doing it to give it justice.

I won't be soothed,