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08/04/2003 - 10:49 p.m. | nee yenkamma?Gunta...

After my weekend of atrophy, I felt sort of disjointed getting back to work today. Like, my movements weren't as fluid as I would've liked (not that they're typically fluid around people... just machines :( Death of me) I was shifted around a lot today, from welder to winder to orchid rings. The downtime means I make a little less money, but I am still a monster at 2/3 of those. Tim was like, "Make 2,000 orchid rings before you go back to school." They'll be done by the end of this week. Fucker.

I'm very pleased that the folks at the factory have picked Andrew as my eventual replacement. Seriously, what could be better than a big friendly giant (see Roald Dahl)? None too bright, but the type of guy who would pick up something big for you, smile stupidly and say (in an unintentionally condescending manner), "Let me help you with that, little buddy!" OK, so he's useless. But, the only way they could truly replace with me is a robot. Yes, I am perfect. Not emotionally, certainly not physically, but productively! (Note I didn't say "reproductively")

The day went by really quickly (only... 17 more to go??), then I came home, read a little, and passed out. Back to my rut. Sad that watching "Dark Angel" was a big swing in my routine. Crawled downstairs to eat twice baked spaghetti or something along those lines (I was sort of dopey, so I didn't ask for details) and then off to class. Now, I've driven some pretty mediocre cars, and I can handle quirks (some might even call them "flaws"). I can even grow to love them. But! No music is not an option. Even if it's shitty radio. Even if it's one speaker and it's all raspy and tinny and terrible. I need music. And the Maxima didn't have it today. Dunno what's up with the stereo, but it's not putting out sound, and this aggrevates me like nothing else. Normally, I am Mr. Patient Driver. Today, I was chalk full of road rage. It was painful for me.

But not as painful as econ. All the discussions and reviews are so slow, and I couldn't even see Non-Mutant's Perfect Legs (in shorts even), so it was just hell. Today, I started screaming about the Clapper because someone mentioned it as an example of a useless invention. I went on and on about how my house was filled with Clappers and how lights and appliances were constantly flicking on and off. And then I got props from the teacher for a good answer I just completely made up. Hooray. I also started drawing a comic about Stypty the Styptic Pencil. "I heal minor cuts and insect bites!" Way to go, Stypty. H8 that class.

We did get out a little early, though, so I went to the mall to look at CDs for a bit. I've always begun buying lots of clearance black t-shirts because I am so full of angst and misery. Got an Abandoned Pools one, and one that has a drawing of a factory on it labelled "STUPID FACTORY" with a stick man hanging out the window and the caption, "This is where you were made." I'm wearing it to work, I think.

Drove to Tropical Sno, and there was a long, long line of minivans, and they are the worst. They just keep passing cups of sno back into their nether regions. I'm not even sure how many people were in there, but since I had not much better to do, I sat around, clicked my lighter, and waited for the line to thin out. Meanwhile, this large couple swore a lot, complained about how their sno tasted like cough drops, and possibly started talking about sex and hair removal. Decided maybe it was time to get in line. I had the first ever pink lemondade and lime Tropical Sno - aren't you proud? Yeah, me neither. And now here I am, and somehow it's midnight, and that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I'm hungry.

"'Though it seems like I've spent my life in planes / which is... kind of strange"

I won't be soothed,