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08/02/2003 - 2:00 p.m. | i'm glad i can feign nonchalance as well as i thought

Man, I was so exhausted last night that I don't remember writing the last entry hardly at all. I was bloody brilliant, considering the fact my eyes kept closing.

Got 9 hours today, though, and I'm completely back to good. "Dark Angel" in the morning, and today's plans seem to be: a) Wal-mart to get supplies for new pillows for my bed, b) construction paper animals, c) out to dinner or something later.

This is our new shower curtain. Maybe shower curtain selection wasn't an official duty of being head of household before, but it sure as hell is now. Ugly Seductive Frog is gonna have a fit.

"There wasn't any wind
No noise, no nothing -
Just a body jerked skyward,
Limbs flailing like an unloved marionette
At impossible speed
Receding away like a... faraway dot I can see her still,
Scream for help but no one answered...
She's turnin' end-on-end movin' like a long-lost... astronaut
I felt the summer air reclaim me,
The chirp of a bird, the whisper of leaves,
And I was frozen... to the face of the earth."

I won't be soothed,