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07/23/2003 - 10:38 p.m. | everyone is my friend!!!!

Well, here we are on the 23rd of July. About a month left until I'll be back at school. Less if someone can think of a plan that could get me and all my shit down there by the 20th because my parents have "work" and they don't want to take off for "stupid reasons." I'm both looking forward to and dreading the return to school. Looking forward to it for obvious reasons, but I have a feeling that I'm going to do something really dumb pretty soon. This worries me.

On the plus side, my hair has been disheveled and crazy all day long. I look like a lunatic.

Drove to work in the Old Gray Mare (nickname for temporary ride, I guess). It has decent acceleration and not too much else. I hope the wagon is done soon. I arrived rather late (tee hee) and jokingly said to Harve and Snake King, "Welding or winding? Or, God forbid, something different?" As luck would have it, I did do something different. Got back to my roots with the old butt welds. For you newbies, butt welding is when you take a metal circle and weld the ends (or "butts") of it together (here's a helpful animation - watch it to completion. I know, it's tedious, but welcome to my world). I did about 1,000 of them today, followed by plant supports and winding. Busy day. I made $90, though - well, minus $1.40 after 2 stupid honor snacks: Lemonheads and Milk Duds. I swear they changed the formula for Lemonheads; they taste completely different. Then again, I inhaled noxious smoke for like 4 hours today, so perhaps my tastebuds aren't in top form. Today was a mix CD day! I forgot what a genius I am, arranging-musically (yes, that's a term). B*Witched and "Love Train" and all sorts of wonderful crap. Seriously, everyone should love me. Meanwhile, Doughboy gradually brought an end to his sabbatical today. He called in and said he'd be in at noon. He showed up at 1:30. Beastly. And I assume he managed to weld roughly half the plant supports I did. YOU ARE ALL SO WORTHLESS.

Afternoon rountine commenced as normal - reading, sleeping. Mom came in to wake me, and I was completely out of it. "Nate, it's 5:20. There's pizza downstairs if you want some." I was so confused; why would anyone make pizza at 5:20 in the morning? Why was anyone even up so early? Give me a while; I'll catch on. Artichoke and feta pizza! :D

"It was to witness this, he told himself again, that he had made love to Masako he, who had always been free from the dominance of desire."

Back to class. Experienced that all too brief moment when I worry that, for all the shit I say about the class being easy, I might not have actually done well on the test. A. Nevermind. Then had to sit through the terrible dragging death that is going through homework and practice problems. Make it end, make it end. Fled during the break and got a bottle of Evian. I know, I know. "Naive" spelled backwards and all. It's so good, though! Smooth and clear and... soft almost. Dunno - it's almost too good. A touch sexual. Damn weird ass fetishes. Once the lecture began, I wrote another letter and ended up taking a new step in the fight against boredom. No, not staring. I just read now. No one pays any attention to me, so screw it. Might as well get my 2 hours' worth.

Wanted to get some Tropical Sno (of course), but I didn't have any cash on me. The natural course of action would be to go to an ATM, pay the little fee, and get some. No, fuck that. I went to Wal-mart, where I suddenly had a burning desire to get 5 tagless black t-shirts and a Zippo lighter. Yeah. And then I got cash back. I have strange urges and habits. Tried a grape and passion fruit thing tonight. It wasn't great. Still, enjoyable drive home and here I am. Ugly as ever.

I won't be soothed,