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07/01/2003 - 12:33 a.m. | i needed to find mine

The later it gets, the more neurotic and paranoid I become. It's like my superpower. My annoying, annoying superpower. Just be normal, you stupid ass. If you wanted to know why I am so retarded, I could probably tell you, but it would do more harm than good. Stupid truth.

"luuhhh-uhhhh-uhhhhve... well, nevermiiiind
i know how you feel about that
now what do you think about time?"

An important detail of the weekend I missed. There was this kid at Brytne's party who looked like chubby Draco Malfoy. So, I was telling a dazed Kyle this and he was like, "Lift up your shirt." I did (briefly), and he paused and then said, "You're a hairy ... wizard." Kyle Wild is a genius. I mean, really. Also he called me tonight so I could overhear some of Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle in the theatre. What a man.

I won't be soothed,