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06/24/2003 - 10:53 p.m. | hit me once more, jesus, in the blackjack game of life

Wow - so little energy. Hardly enough to write this, let alone do what little econ homework I have. Let's buck up, though.

Hours: 7.5 (7-2:30, without lunch)
$$$: $84.81
None. By choice. Decided to think about the things that I think about today.

Not much to talk about, really. Welded all day long. Them cranking up the speed of the welder was a fairly stupid idea because now it eventually gets ahead of me, and I have to shut it off so I can catch up, costing me panels that I could've been making. Should I rain on their parade? Yes. Lowell was there learning to wind. Go you. He sucks at life and stapling boxes. Apparently it's very hot out, but I didn't notice until after I came home. God bless Tropical Skittles and Minute Maid Lemonade. Snake King never explains his elaborate plans to me (by-product of nearly always wearing headphones), so I have to figure out what's going on by watching everyone else. "Oh, guess I'm not winding after all - even though he said I was." Disorganized old fool. Makes me feel like a detective. Same old shit through my head today. Came home and finished Harry Potter, went and saw The Italian Job with my dad. Both were pretty entertaining. Seth Green is adorable. Really, I don't have much to say. The lethargy is climbing all over. Oh, but someone did put a chunk of poo on the wall at work in the bathroom. No, really. It's poo. 1000 points for you, you horrid monster.

I won't be soothed,