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06/05/2003 - 7:47 a.m. | thinner.... thinner.....

All right, now I woke up at 7:30. This doesn't make any sense. I mean, the previous few days, I went to bed really early, but last night I was up to almost 2, and yet here I am. And it's not like I feel really energized right now; I just don't wanna sleep, I guess. Suppose I should go make some coffee or something. And try to get the second verse of "Miss Independent" out of my head: "Miss Guarded Heart / Miss Play It Smart / Miss If You Wanna Use That Line, You Better Not Start (nnnooooo) / But she miscalculated / She didn't wanna end up jaded / And so this little miss missed out on true loooove!" Damn it. Matt sent me some weird ass shit last night.

I won't be soothed,