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06/05/2003 - 9:00 p.m. | and i want to shoot all the superheroes from your skies

This'll be my last real entry for like a week :( I'm sorry, guys. You'll have to find some other pathetic sap to make your life seem better by comparison for the next seven days or so...

Hours: 8 (10-6)
$$$: $78.something
-"Rock Spectacle" - Barenaked Ladies
-"On Avery Island" - Neutral Milk Hotel
-"Rockin' the Suburbs" - Ben Folds
-"Nate's Butt Mix, Vol. 1" - Various Artists

OK, so who knew I was gonna completely burn out like 20 minutes into working today? Yeah, me too. Stupid pointless waking at 7:30. I killed time until like 9:30, at which point I began to gather up the garbage cans and junk to take them outside. At approximately 9:31, I see the garbage truck roll past our driveway. Shit. And my dad even left a note reminding me to do it! So, I'm a super genius, right? So things aren't lost yet. I gather up all the garbage, including the smelly gross stuff in the big cans outside, put them in huge black bags I found somewhere, and throw them in my trunk. OK, they're out of the house - now what? Giggling like a lunatic because I think this is very, very funny, I drove to Sheridan Grade School and park by the dumpster near the baseball field and just start tossin' shit in! This includes an old mailbox and drapes, by the way. So, I'm trying to be all sneaky, but some guy mowing the baseball field yells something and waves his arms, so I hop in the car and speed off. Mission accomplished. If I'm not arrested. But it's a public place, dammit! My tax dollars pay for that dumpster to be emptied, so I'm just cashing on what's due to me! Wow - this was absurd.

You wouldn't know it from the shitty paint job and broken turn signal and somewhat shoddy brakes, but my car totally rocks. As in, the sound system in it is very good (well, except for the lack of a working tapedeck, of course). But, seriously, it's got some thumpin' bass! I had no idea! I pulled up to a red light today blasting Christina Aguilera ("Come On Over" - not this new bullshit) with the windows down, and it was like, "THOMP THOMP THOMP RATTLE RATTLE." I don't think that song even has bass! Now I think I have to get a new stereo - just so I can blast some honkies with The Streets or something. Sorry - ramble.

Anyway, got to work and was put on the old wind/weld duty again. The winding went fine, but man - I was soooo sleepy while I welded in the afternoon! I suppose having like 10 Pez packets and espresso in my system could account for my energy yesterday, but I could hardly keep my eyes open, and Neutral Milk Hotel's "sonic experiments" weren't helping. "WEH WEH WEH WEH meeeeeeh" Repeat thousands of times. Peaceful. I just wanted to, I dunno, get... so I didn't feel like myself somehow and scream song lyrics out in the sun. It seemed like the right thing to do. I was just moving ass slow, and I just couldn't get off the ground. Right now I'm working on twirling the wire better. My goal is to eventually be able to twirl from my hands to the welder with pinpoint accuracy. One must dream.

Today was the first day that time seemed to really be moving slowly. Lunch eventually dragged its way to me, and I think it helped a bit. Carbs and sugars floatin' around. Ben was a nice wakeup call, and then I got lost in the nostaglia of my butt mix, made during a time in my life when I was bored with the music I currently listened to but wasn't prepared to find new stuff, so I just listened to really stupid, obnoxious things and laughed. Nate Walsh is cool.

Doughboy Tom tried to talk to me today, choosing from one of the three topics for discussion he seems to consider acceptable with me:

1. Cartoons (That I draw them, I guess... even though he hasn't actually seen any of them, but he always tells me I could give "that Dilbert guy" a run for the money)
2. Easy Mac for lunch (yes, I do it a lot... thanks for noticing!)
3. Crazy bicyclists at U of I (What?! :|)

I should really tell him a new story or something, just so he can add a topic to the list. I would try to ask him things, but I can only imagine them leading to suicide (on his part, I mean). "So, what do you do after work?" "Do you havea girlfriend?" "What are your goals in life?" And I don't want to kill the man.

The afternoon crawled by, and then I fled home with absolutely no energy. Time to pack!! Ick. There was some old coffee in the pot (how old? shhhh), so I downed that, but it seemed to just make me neurotic and sleepy instead of just sleepy. Packing is done enough for me now, and I should maybe get some rest, but some more coffee might be better. And then... "30 Seconds to Fame!!!" I hate the host of that show so much. He looks like a hip black guy, but he sounds like his lines were written by a group of middle-aged white accountants trying to sound like a hip black guy. ANGRY. This is a low quality entry. I'm sorry. I had a hamburger.

Ooh - so I thought about potential careers for me: things I would enjoy and be good at. Here is the list: Cute toy shop owner (the shop being cute, not me), teacher (English probably, but I don't want to take those classes so maybe psych or history), window washer (on a sky scraper! That would be fun, and I'm not afraid of heights or washing windows!), and I dunno somethingaboutjournalismoradvertisingorwritingorcommunicationsmumbleyesmomanddadistillneedtogotocollegenoworkyet... Yes! As long as there is a game plan!


I won't be soothed,