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05/25/2003 - 10:18 p.m. | so itchy

Please forgive any typos in this entry. I am in the midst of severe sunburn itchiness, so I have to type really fast so that I can resume scratching myself. I've tried to ignore it, tried to put lotion and anti-itch junk on it, but it's not working! I can't hold still. If I sit around long enough without scratching, I start twitching and spazzing out. It's swell. If it just hurt, that would be fine; itching is a thousand times worse for me. So I'm sitting here with as little clothing on as possible, drinking warm glass-bottled Cokes and trying to think of things that don't itch. Unfortunately, my mind is totally shot right now. This is what half an hour outside gets me.

Um - evening went OK enough. WALSHES headed to the stupid graduation party at around 5. OK, so the radio stations on the way there played like the best stuff ever! John Mayer! Bachman Turner Overdrive! Matchbox 20's "Disease!" Stupid world taunting me, giving me good music when there are actual people around to talk to. Mom and Dad were both exhausted from working all day, so we stopped at the grocery store for Redbull and a terribly mediocre graduation card. I don't think they realized how poor that stuff tastes; I mean, I've gotten used to it. It's the chalk they put in. Anyway, Mom got punchy for like 5 minutes and that was all.

Party was fine, whatever. Seriously, I wouldn't even mind having a conversation with the grownups now (just to show them I'm not a completel clod), but I've long established myself as the avoidant type, so it'll be tough to get over that stigma. They ask me how school is... and then the wells run dry. I didn't really talk to anybody therefore. *giggle* My cousin Lacey (she's my age) has put on her freshman fifteen hardcore (and I think she goes to fucking IVCC, so how's that happen?) My aunt was talking about and said (semi-proudly, it seemed), "Oh, you never see Lacey without a beer in her hands these days!" What the fuck? That's some weird shit, I think. Anyway, we got there pretty late for food, so I spent most of the time with my little cousine Maddie (Madeline). She's cute, and I don't mind repeating the same stuff over and over for her to make her laugh; saves me some thinking :) Dunno - I have unlimited patience and respect for children, and so, so little for people my age and above. I guess it's because little kids have so much potential, and in older people all I see is missed opportunity. I'm just kidding; I like most of you. But little kids are impossible to judge, so it's a nice change. So the time went by pretty seamlessly, and I at least come off as a nurturing type, so whoopee. We got there last and left first. That's the way I like it. Stopped at Steak 'n' Shake for Very Berry Strawberry milkshakes (it rocked, the drive up girl was a total bitch... My dad ordered "a Very Berry milkshake" and she was like, "I'm sorry; we don't have a Very Berry milkshake. We have a Very Berry Strawberry milkshake, if that's what you mean" 10 points for you, disgruntled beast). Drove home and the itching began and now I can hardly think. Every time I itch, I just hit myself. At least that still hurts. So it seems like I had some more to write, but this is just awful, so I'm gonna lie on my bed and twitch.

I won't be soothed,