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05/19/2003 - 11:28 p.m. | Widdle Tiddles (ten thousand points)

In summation (I guess that's the point, though):

Hours worked: 4 (10 - 2)
Moneys acquired lawfully: $45.82
-"Maladroit" - Weezer
-"Have You Fed the Fish?" - Badly Drawn Boy
-"Hit to Death in the Future Head" - The Flaming Lips

OK, so on the plus side, waking up at 9 for work is a lot better than waking up at 7. I move a lot quicker, and I'm not quite so hateful. I even got there on time! I can't say it's really good to be back, but my thoughts were pretty unparanoid, which is as much as I can hope for. To fill in this hole, however, I just kept yelling at myself to move faster. I think I've gone sort of crazy. And there's the singing, of course. Since I had to leave early for the dentist, my day was short and reasonably unpainful. Same old, same old. Half-moons in the marnin', welding in the afternoon. Back into the old habits of recognizing paint splotches (and naming them) and cussing to myself almost non-stop while flying about the room in a flurry of arms and legs. There's a new guy working there. "Troy." I wanted his name to be Travis, so I could call him "Travo." Apparently, he shaved his head (for my arrival, I assume). I didn't say a word to him. Haha - Nate's creepy.

Left work at 2, dentist appointment's at 4. Plenty of time, right? Except Wal-mart is a wall-to-wall pack of cretins >:O Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't get frustrated. Everyone is trying their best. I'm just so much better than them. At life, I mean. So I needed a refill on my meds (obviously), so I gave the pharmacist my bottle and then wandered the store. Old shopping instincts immediately kicked in. Even though I contemplated a new mouse ($40 - why new mouse when no new computer??), a bigass CD case (208 - $30), edible bubbles ($2, but artifical cherry sucks a nut), and a PS2 ($180 - come on, that's a bargain! $20 cheaper than so-called "Best Buy"), I refrained from everything but pushpins (79 cents). After half an hour, I got into the pick-up line at the pharmacy, and everyone is just bloody retarded. Nobody knows where anyone's prescription is, or the customer forgot to order it, or they got in line too early, and they pay with fucking nickels, and there was some man beast in front of me that might have been a woman, but I like to think not, and it was just hell. Then it was my turn. "Walsh. Nathan" "Here you go" "Thank you" Total transaction time: 30 seconds. The rest of you SUCK. Left at 3:15, $20 poorer (apparently Wal-mart is also a ripoff, especially compared to the low, low price of nothing at McKinley).

Drove home in the driving rain. Car was hot as shit, so I rolled down the windows and let it pour on me. Eat it, rain. Ate a samich and listened to the radio. Looks like the new Jewel single will be the one pounded into my head this summer. I'm downloading the video now. It's funny because it's supposed to be this whole satire of selling out, but most people think she's actually selling out because it's not unexpected of her. Eat it, Jewel, as well. And let's not forget Coldplay's "Clocks." I have big hopes for John Mayer's "Why Georgia?" I only heard it once today, but I'm hoping it gets rocked until I hate it.

Arrive home at 3:35 more or less (rain and slow cars slow me down much), throw on clothes, brush teeth as well as I'm able, and rush out again by 3:40. Drove lawfully to the dentist, arriving at 4:05, with still enough time to read "Teen People." Avril Lavigne is one of the 25 hottest stars under 25. Now I know. The dentist was the same old routine. I go in with my mouth feeling fine and leave a bloody, painful mess. They always say I need to floss because my gums are bleeding. Do you know why my gums are bleeding? Because you just jabbed them with a series of metal hooks for 20 minutes!! They actually keep at it until they start to bleed! Poke poke poke! It hurts, but not enough to really be awful. It just makes me laugh. Stupid asses. And the lady was inept and kept spraying me in the face with water and toothpaste. Give me the spinny toothbrush; I'll handle it. Doctor Dentist came in and gave me the old pep talk: "You still need braces and your wisdom teeth are going to explode through your face." To prove this, they did the rotating x-ray about my face. Thanks, guys. Apparently, I have no respect for the dental professional.

Obviously, I have no cavities. Duh.

Came home and crammed in a crapload of Harry Potter so that I can finish the fourth book by the 21st (of June - I don't think it's going to be a problem). Apparently smoked a box of gum cigarettes and ate stir fry (baby corn!!). My parents 25th anniversary is tomorrow. I should get them a present, but my brain is non-functional. I keep thinking I need to get them something "big," but my brain just keeps imagining really big things. Like, a gigantic lamp or a huge novelty comb or something. I wish I could take something seriously. Dank fixed my IMSA e-mail, so I can finally read that again! While I sorted through my 148 spam messages, I listened to Dashboard's "Swiss Army Romance." I was hoping the evils would cancel each other out. I was wrong.

"MailArmor found these viruses in a mail message to you from: " Why the hell do the opinions people at prowrestling.com have my e-mail address?

Michelle is on fire tonight:

michelleawetzler: 'oh by the way on my next letter i'll probably put N2MH. Tha stands for nothen 2 much here"
michelleawetzler: thank you abby for warning me

I won't be soothed,