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05/13/2003 - 9:57 a.m. | guess what i have a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell

Despite my very, very best efforts to self-handicap (and there were lots of them), I think I did all right on the math final. Not as terribly as expected. First, the handicapping, though, because it's more fun! Read for a while and then fell asleep 'til like 9:30. Hohoho. Crawled out of bed and kind of wandered around the apartment until Spritz decided he wanted to go to Busey. First, we had to go to ISR (which was a bust) and the Oregon lab to print out a review sheet for me. So, we made it to Busey at like 10:30. Went through the chapters and ate and bullshit (mostly the latter two) until around 11:30. Notes were finished, so I came back here, and everyone who never IMs me decided that now was probably the time to start. So, obviously couldn't study and had to talk and download good music like Avril Lavigne. Then Spritz decided a Meijer trip was in order, so I just had to go on that. So, Spritz, Will, Michelle, Dank, and myself rocked the fucking Tool to Meijer (Spritz's farts were particularly potent, I'm afraid), and there was some ho bag there who APPARENTLY doesn't like it when I'm LOUD. Or maybe she just didn't like my version of "Walkin' in Memphis." Both seem impossible to me. Right. Bought some Sour Punch Straws and a Redbull because I needed some sugar / piss or whatever's in Redbull to keep me awake. Not to study, of course. To watch Over the Top. For the third time. You start to notice terrible, terrible things. And the sound was just awful. So, that ended around 3, and I was like, "Better go sleep having not yet studied!" But then both the sink and the toilet broke within seconds of one another, so I had to take another half an hour to fix them and swab up the water (I used a roll of toilet paper as a big sponge) So, eventually I get in bed, and insomnia kicks in. My mind loves to race when the birds first come. Fall asleep after 4, wake up at 6, cry, shower, study. Well, attempt to study, but my brain keeps fogging over, so I have to take breaks and space out to Nelly videos on MTV. Really helps me focus. No. Stumbled over to Allen for the test. I answered every question, but almost every one of them has this... fuzzy part, where I might have made a leap in logic or just made something up. But there's only a chance I did that. There's also a chance I got an A!! No. But, as the Spice Girls say:

When you're feelin' sad and low
We will take you where you gotta go
Smilin', dancin', everything is free
All you need is POSITIVITY

I passed Math 130. That's good enough. I'll assume it was the Ginkoba. Now I just have to make it through 2 hours of work. It's at Kenney, so it won't be much effort, but I could use a little activity to keep me upright. Then crash, but more than likely not. This pseudo-goatee is absolutely terrible. But I'm not going to shave it. That's what it wants me to do. I will steal Lisa's profile to make my title.

I won't be soothed,