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05/09/2003 - 12:07 a.m. | underground tunnels

What was accomplished today? Let's not speak of that! I showered but remain disgusting, but that I can cope with. Then off to the quad for stick-it. Will and I made a ghetto fabulous sign first (pictures soon). I finally won a game (although it was against Yousaf and he was a total newb, so that's not exactly fair - he could beat me now, I bet). It started to rain, as was predicted by numerous naysayers, but luckily, I have just the stick for such an occasion! ;) Mostly I guarded everyone's stuff from getting wet and tried to make Michelle study, but that's like getting Kyle to study, so we won't be trying that again. Then some bubble tea and a muffin, and a good few more hours gone. I crashed after a while - naps are pretty good...

When I woke up, I rolled off my bed and checked my IMs. I sorta forgot about having milkshakes with Matt and KC until I saw the following IM:

mstanmstan: hey, if you're around, bring peepz
mstanmstan: kc sez so

Being completely out of it, I assumed they meant Marshmallow Peeps. Pondering very briefly, "How did they know I have those?" I grabbed them and proceeded to walk over. I'm smart. This is not what they meant, but that's OK. Milkshakes were good, and watching Matt play FF3 is always swell ("GRUUU!") Tim seemed nice. Hmm - I don't have much to say. I came back here, and my CD player kept crashing. Shoot. Matt lent me a Lips CD, which was nice. I need something to do now.


I won't be soothed,