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05/08/2003 - 11:45 a.m. | got lost in fulton town

Wow, I wrote some crazy stuff. But unlike the opium-laced poems of that guy who wrote "Kublai Khan" (Coleridge), mine have no underlying meaning. I promise :D OK, first final is Monday morning, so I've got loads of time on my hands. How to properly waste it? Dunno, I'm lame. I'm like, "Well, there're some chores to do, and I guess I could start on my history notes and read Harry Potter." I am not a cool college guy. I was trying to figure out where I belonged yesterday at the mall. Like, I went into Ambercrombie with Spritz, but I felt like I totally stood out. Too tiny, po' man's clothes, not physically attractive enough (I'm sure it mostly comes from paranoia, but I feel like I'm the only college guy who doesn't have clear skin, and that ticks me off. I'd be OK looking - OK looking if it weren't for damn zits... Pissy) And I wandered into the Gap, and it was essentially the same. Not classy enough, blah blah blah. And then Hot Topic... Too nerdy to be goth. And it just got me thinking... where do I fit in? On a grander scale. 'cause it's like, well, I'd never fit in at bars and parties and stuff. And I don't think I'd be too good in the coffeehouses and arty stuff with all the "indie" people or whatever. I know, I know. It's silly to put one's self into a category... but it does make things easier. I guess I shouldn't. Do it all on a person by person basis. Sometimes you just wanna belong somewhere, though. Well, I have places I belong. I belong with my friends, and I belong with my family, and I belong in LAS (despite the grim future it might hold) If there's one thing this damn diary doesn't need, it's feelings.

I won't be soothed,