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05/06/2003 - 5:44 p.m. | boxer rebellion

Gotta get to writing entomology paper, but the two foot high stack of books next to me is a little depressing. 16 books of God damn world folklore. Yeah, insects... and folklore. Exciting as shit, I know, but I'm hoping it'll be quick. Hauling the books back here was pretty awful, especially since on the first trip (of course there were two trips), I was also carrying an umbrella and Michelle's highly-flamboyant purse. Did I mention I was wearing brown pants and my yellow happy picnic shirt? Fucking nothing goes with brown pants, so I made the wise choice to dress up like a toilet. And my skin is white like porcelain. Hardee har.

Despite the fact that my alarm was clearly set, I woke up after history (not a good trend). Justin said the review was absolutely useless, though. Work was an epic (OK, not really), but I wrote something there, which I'll type up once writer's block kicks in (10 minutes). After that, came back here to find Michelle in boxers, eating live goldfish while Lisa photographed her. Of course. There was a big, partially-chewed apple on my desk, so I ate it. It was delicious. Then quesadillas!! Surreal. And I filled out a survey for Will about his possible ADD. After that, Kyle, Spritz, Will, and I all walked to the quad for the first test of Stick-It in the real world. It was my first time playing, too. Dunno - I always knew the rules and stuff, but it's a lot of fun once you're actually playing! I mean, I don't really have any skill at it, but this isn't one of those games that really needs a whole lot of skill. I got a decent amount better with just a little practice. It's weird, though: when I try to aim my stick, I do this crazy thing with my eyes where I switch back and forth really fast and pick a spot in the middle of those two. It's like fake depth perception! And the stares from all the quad people were cool. Yes, pictures will be up on the site shortly, but leave me alone about it for now, or I'll draw hilarious mustaches on all of you. I'm looking forward to playing more, although I wish I could practice without having Spritz or Will toss the roll at me. Waste of their time. Speaking of that, gotta stop and start my crap. More later (obviously)

I won't be soothed,