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05/02/2003 - 2:25 a.m. | rumble rumble

As predicted, little was done today - and little will be done now. Showered and junk, which is always good, and then ended up at Lisa's. Slept there for a good 3.5 hours (bringing me up to a nice round 6) and then to Everitt for some hardcore sitting in the hallway while Lisa talked to her TA. I did a cartwheel - take that, engineers! Back here after that to watch City of the Lost Children, which I highly recommend. Lisa certainly knows her trippy French films (it's by the guy who did Amelie and it's even got Dominique Pinon in it again and again and again and again and again and again). The little girl in it was absolutely gorgeous; words fail. Tried to sleep some more after that, but it's hard, you know? So just downloaded some crap music (9 minute "Tainted Love?" Oh yes). Went with Will and Lisa to ISR for late nite; diarrhea shortly thereafter. More Harry Potter until around 11 at which point Kyle, Spritz, and I went to go see X-Men 2 (or X2 as it is cleverly abbreviated - stupid Charles Xavier is quite arrogant, although he has reasons to be). Beverly was sold out, but Savoy tweren't, so yippie :) Not a terrible movie; the powers are of course the most fun part. Screw actors and plot and whatnot. By the way, I want to be the kid whose power is changing TV channnels with his mind and not sleeping. No, I'm serious. There was some little kid, and that was his big mutant thing. Infared Insomniac - that's what I'd call myself. Garage doors worldwide would be screwed!! It's almost 3, but that's hardly anything special.

I won't be soothed,