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04/30/2003 - 2:30 p.m. | oh, i think i smell all right

Extreme lethargy has set in, and it just won't let up. Most of my classes have become useless. They don't teach anything; we just kind of kill time and sit around until the final comes along. I mean, entomology was sort of cute today (the lecture was on insects in film, so the whole lecture was videotaped and just shown to us), and I guess we tried some group thing in history, but everything else? Psych? Always worthless. Math? Review. Theatre? Scene practice. Entomology lab? Review. Actually, I literally leapt out the door of entomology so that I wouldn't have to stay. I probably could've just walked out and avoided looking like an ass, but it made things more exciting for me, and I'm frankly pretty low these days. Because when I get out of all these boring classes, I've got nothing to do. Everyone is supposed to have something to do this time of the year, and I guess I sort of do, but it's so balanced out. Today, nothing (well, a haircut!!) Tomorrow, theatre paper. Friday, nothing. Saturday, nothing. Sunday, studying and concert :D Monday, three tests/quizzes and entomology paper. Monday's my shit terrible day, and I'm still gonna have loads of time and be done early with everything. This is the trend. And I suppose I have no right to complain; I'm sure all you busy people envy all my free time. You have lots of things you'd be doing instead. So, why don't you just tell me what they are, and I'll try and do them for you? Because I can only take so many naps. I'll write detailed descriptions, and you can live vicariously through me.

I won't be soothed,