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04/19/2003 - 1:33 p.m. | una carta para juanita

Dear Lisa,

It is high time you learned an important lesson. The importance of not making Nate feel guilty. For instance, today we were talking, and you said:

ennui up the ass: okay i''ll leave you alone

Now, if you were "leaving me alone" of your alone volition, you would simply ... DO SO, you know? Instead, you imply that you need to "leave me alone," which implies that you are annoying me, which means I either a) have to reassure you that you are not annoying me, which is ANNOYING, or b) ignore your stupid comment in the hopes that you will just do whatever you want anyway. Sometimes you sign off, and this makes me feel guilty. In conclusion, none of your trickery. It makes my tummy hurt. Now, let's go shoppin'!

I won't be soothed,