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04/18/2003 - 4:04 a.m. | inconsistent

I have been acting very... inconsistent lately. One might say moody, but I'm going to go with inconsistent. Please don't get this confused with incontinence, however. I can see how this inconsistence would make it difficult to be around me. If it makes you feel any better, I don't particularly like these inconsistencies myself. Not that I try to control them much. I've been about going with the flow. Can't fight the moonlight. Why act contrary to how I feel, even if it costs me a relationship or two here or there. But if I don't try to fix it, maybe it will never get better, and I'll just go about ruining things until I'm alone more or less. Man, I hate it when I write late at night and I get all stupid. Man, I'm sad. And I can hear the birds, so it's time to drop off. I do hope I cheer up and can maybe cheer some of you up. Right now, though... Hmm. Fetal position? Yes, I think so.

I won't be soothed,