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04/17/2003 - 4:37 p.m. | no point

I'd like to say I got so much done since I last wrote, but that would be a pool of lies. Went out for curry (curry-ann!) with Spritz, Michelle, and Lisa. Then back here for the last five minutes of "American Idol." Whoop dee shit. Read some or something until after 9 when we all went down to the old Busey-Evans... Accomplished little there. Accomplished little anywhere these days. Michelle and I played stupid pencil flicking games, which of course ended with us drawing insulting pictures of each other. Standard operating procedure. Came back here and, man, I have just been so bored and lethargic lately! I went to bed early even! 1:30! What the hell?

Woke up 8:30, crawled to history, listened as Professor Matheson tried to be clever (FAILED), a full hour of "The Price is Right" (crappy as it is, I am transfixed), back here for shower, reading, crashing, driving with Kyle. Looked at apartment (very nice), ran to IMPE for promotion ap, hit Borders (I now have Spirited Away if any of y'all wanna watch!), sang Sister Hazel out the windows of a parked car, much to the amusement and annoyance of different passerby, short ass psych experiment, and now I'm here. And I'm still soooo lazy. I've got a little math to finish, a promotion ap to... something, and that damn gender issues paper I've been dreading for so long. haha.

Rediscovered Fountains of Wayne today, thanks to singing like an ass with Lisa last night. Mmmm... Poppy. I would quote the hell out of it, but what would be the point?

I wore my shitty work pants. They have holes and dirt all over them. I am punk rock. Why can't I get myself to do anything? I'm really, really bored, but the idea of ... yeah. zzzzzzz

I won't be soothed,