annals | guests | diaryland

04/14/2003 - 6:45 p.m. | oh man oh man too much fun

Well, I read a page of entomology (of course, the reading assignment was only a page, but it is still hardly a massive effort) and then I went to take the movies back. Almost immediately after and with little conscious thought of my own, I walked to Walgreens, grabbed the first pair of cheap sunglasses that weren't huge, and bought them. I am so sick of people knowing if I am looking at them (not leering at them, you perv). Then I couldn't get the tag off, so I had to go into the art store and covertly scissor them (I guess it didn't need to be covert, but I am smooth like that). It's sooo nice being able to glare at people with impunity... heh - unless they can still see my eyes :O Came back here and attempted to read something, but Michelle IMd and told us about Karaoke Night at the ISR dining halls. Oh, yes. Gathered everybody up, ran into Spritz, Jared, and Lisa, and we all went. It rocked. Kyle and I sang Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn," I did a sessy rendition of "Livin' la Vida Loca," and Kyle was all cute with Tal Bachman's "She's So High." It was a lot of fun. I unbuttoned my shirt and danced around like an ass, but my voice is still absolute shit. So low and scratchy. Kyle ended up getting third place! And he overheard one of the judges saying that I should have won, so I'm pleased enough myself. I have the ability to turn on the performance skills of a drunk and stay completely sober. Yes, this is my talent. I hope they have another one soon! It was a lot of fun! Also, Korean "I Will Survive" was totally awesome! :D

Additionally, when we were walking back, Kyle said he saw some girl checking me out, top-to-bottom. I'm sure lots of you get this all the time, and it is more annoying than anything, but for me, this is a rare occurance, and I am lame, so I am mentioning it. Any self-esteem boost is welcome.

I won't be soothed,