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04/14/2003 - 2:28 a.m. | jump on it

2:12? Well, I'd feel like half a man if I didn't stay up until at least 3... Jeez. Today was... too short. Yes, quite. Which is my own dumb fault for sleeping late which is my own dumb fault for staying up late. You know how I feel about sleep. Anyway, up late and then lots of AIM bullshit and some cupcakes. Frank stopped by, and then scummy Kyle and myself (this is to imply that we are both scummy, not just Kyle) gave him a ride to the frat. We hung out there for a while, and I was offered a cigarette, which could have been the end of me. I persevered, though, and we left thereafter. Degrossified and then headed over to Matt and KC's to make brownies. Well, I missed the "making" portion, so I just ate them. They were fat free, but they were really yummy! Then Scrabble and delicious beans. I used my mad factory skillz to help Matt make some packets and then we watched tiny bits of this show he and his little brother worked on, which I thought was hilarious and awesome (others do not agree?). Back here to work on math with Michelle. Busey-Evans. Man, I don't have much to write. Well, nothing important anyway.

I won't be soothed,