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04/14/2003 - 11:53 a.m. | swallow all the halos out of you

Not a particularly good start to the day, I guess. C+ on math exam and crippling diarrhea to boot. But hmmm... I don't seem particularly fazed. It's weird - lately, I've kinda been working backwards on things. I see how I'm acting and try to decide from there how I'm feeling. Behaviorial component of attitude and all... Now, I'm certainly not saying that I feel especially pleased with this turn of events. But I did my best, I think, and I was just foiled by time constraints and my own test anxiety. And my insides are always screwed up. I'm trying to think how something like this would have made me feel. I have no idea whether or not the meds are kicking in - probably not; it's been less than 10 days - but in general it is good to have a basis of comparison. It might be nice to think about something logically and actually listen to those arguments once in a while. Entomology was swell. Killer bees. *breakdance*

Although I really appreciate good imagery in songs and books and poems and stuff, I don't think I could ever be capable of writing it myself. I'm just not that type of guy. It would seem phony. I don't know if I wish I could or not, though. There's something to be said for simplicity, even if it is a little elementary. It's a bit easier to get a grasp of... most of the time. But, a sentence with the right imagery can just amaze. You know how I'm always quoting that song "Gardenhead" by Neutral Milk Hotel? "It gets hard to explain / the gardenhead knows my name" They're so simple, but those lines conjure up the most insane images in my mind. I sit around and just let them roll around in my mind sometimes. It would be cool to do that, too, a veces, but I think if I had a talent for it, it would have already become apparent.

No more class! Nice day out! Yay :)

I won't be soothed,