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04/10/2003 - 3:57 p.m. | back to good

To recap... yesterday? Was that it? As follows: Slept 'til "American Idol," watched that shit, did a tiny bit of work, cleaned terlet (oh yes). Then I got sort of antsy, so I took a walk, stopping first at Busey-Evans to give Kyle some gum and then at Ragamuffin to say hi to Spritz and Lis. Walking alone really cheers me up. I don't know why. It's prolly not healthy, though, because I don't actually solve any problems. I just feel better miraculously. Back to apartment to read for a bit, then Michelle and I rocked the liberries. Undergrad was closed(everything was closed) except for Granger, and that's such an enginerring zone that I swear they scan a little barcode on the back of your neck when you come in ("Danger! LAS uncommitted freshman!! Danger!"). I couldn't even use a damn computer. The building is really nice, though! Pink walls :D Eventually came back here. Michelle worked; Kyle and I sang. It was very late, and sore throat was starting to kick my ass. I was starting to get a little off myself. I tried communicating using a stupid text to speech thing, but no one understood a word it said. Then it was 8. And good night, I said. It is now almost 4. Happy Thursday. My God, what have I done?

ennui up the ass: i hope you die.
mrkrazy 11: I'm glad things are back to normal

I won't be soothed,