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04/04/2003 - 9:11 a.m. | nothin' compares to these blue and yellow purple pills

Oh me, oh my - an SSRI! That's the shit I was prescribed just now. You might know it by it's street name: Prozac. A very mild dosage of it, and then if it don't kill me, we bump it up and hope it clears the view when I'm too crazy. As far as side effects go, we have nothing but winners. "Dr. Robin" said that the most common ones include jitteriness for the first week or so (akin to my late night coffee binges), a kind of a leveling off of emotions (a bit less loud and manic perhaps? Oh, dear - that's a shame), and - my personal favorite - anorgasm. Note: that's not "an orgasm;" in fact, quite the opposite. One of the more common side effects is difficulty reaching orgasm. HAHAHAHAH Seriously, what a great side effect! I mean, when the hell is that ever gonna matter to me? Psh - I'm vaguely excited about all this. Also, I'm pretty sleepy.

I won't be soothed,