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03/29/2003 - 6:17 p.m. | back 2 back

Best part about being back: I can finally listen to Matchbox 20's "Disease" again whenever I want! Second best part: no factory, everything else.

I don't even wanna do the little listy thing, but why ruin a 4 day old tradition?

Hours: 8
Money: 78.something
Weezer - Blue
John Mayer - "Room for Squares"
Spoon - "Kill the Moonlight" [Best album title ever, by the way!]
Radiohead - "Kid A"
Flaming Lips - "The Soft Bulletin"

Last day of work! Yahoo! For a bit, I mean. My hands are all dirty and broken. Hopefully, some nice easy school life will fix that. And I have metal stains on my tummy. Hmm.

I was exhausted when I came home, but went out to dinner with my parents instead for shit terrible stuffed artichoke and oniony vodka pasta. The salad was good, though (apparently I like bleu cheese now?)

Went to Justin's afterwards where we watched "America's Most Talented Kid" or some shit. It was hosted by Mario Lopez, who is a moron, and judged by Sisqo, Lance Bass, and some lady, who are hacks. It was a terrible affair in general, but then they brought out the boy who had won the little kids portion of the competition, and he was SO CUTE!! He had on little hip hop clothes, and I bet he had the best talent ever, like rapping or break dancing! And he was giving high fives and he was so HAPPY :D :D :D I must learn about him, so I will google the hell out of him soon.

From there, we went to Wal-mart (haha) where we stocked up on candy. And apricots, in Justin's case. They had the low, low prices, though. And ass terrible peachy penguins (although I still like that concept).

Then - THE CORE!! I hadn't been in the mood to see a bad movie, but I got in one pretty quick! They blew up Rome and San Francisco simply because that hadn't been shown in any recent movies. TAKE THAT COLOSSEUM! LIGHTNING STUFF WILL EXPLODE YOU! (for some reason) FUCK YOU, GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE! UV RAYS WILL MELT YOU!! Awesome. And the hacker who liked dolphins and hot pockets and talking about... kung-fu (but I think it was some hacker phrase I didn't understand) And you know... just lots of little things. How did the earth's stop spinning exactly? And how did lighting a peach on fire serve as a visual aid? And how did space suits spray painted silver protect them from the pressure? These are all important questions, but the main one I have is, WHERE WAS THE SEX?! OK, there had to be some, all right? Hilary Swank and the butt-chinned protagonist were feeling each other out all movie. And then - every character got killed except them (Oh - did I spoil that for you?) and they were alone in the command pod of their little ship, and they were obviously gonna die... Come on - the movie was filled with obvious dialogue. It was destined to be there. "We only have enough oxygen for another hour..." "I know what we can do to pass the time!" *disrobe* And then there was an obvious post-coital lounging waiting to die scene after that (well, I assume that's what it's like afterwards....... heh) So, obviously, they cut it out. Fucking PG-13!!?!?!? WHY!? I don't even want to see it really (Swank is pretty, but she is pretty boyish - and yes, I realize I have been affected by Boys Don't Cry... Shut up), but I just feel so gypped. I'm sure it will be on the DVD, which I will rent. For now, I will scrounge the internet for hope. Unless they weren't hooking up at all, and I'm just that bad at reading signs... OH MAN (by the way, I think my google search "sex scene core" should do the job pretty well)

Today, awoke, watched bad John Cusack movie (ONE CRAZY SUMMER - if by "crazy," you mean fat person sitting on this one character's head multiple time and eating chili... then yes. crazy.), got hosed into cleaning the bathroom, chicken picatta for lunch :), my favorite show in the world (the one on PBS with the British guy, remember? I really wanna buy all that shit), and then drove back here with Justin. Now I'm killing time 'til Spritz and Jen get here (I wonder - have I missed up their weekend of sexxing? hahaha - hope so), and then dinner (prolly Korean - WTF else is new?! >:| hahah just kidding dudes)

I also need to learn what nougat is. Really, really badly.

I won't be soothed,