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03/10/2003 - 11:04 p.m. | keep fishin'

You know that you're a spoiled whiny bitch when you've got 2 midterms in a week, and it's like freaking hell or something for you... and not even the studying... just the fact that you can't waste time to your full potential. I was sort of worried about tomorrow's history test, but I got all the terms written down, and I go through them, and I seem to know them fairly well... I've taken so many history course, it's all practically second nature for me. And, as I mentioned, hula hoop. So I combined the two. I suppose I shouldn't get cocky because the test will prolly end up completely owning me, but I mean - sadly enough - LAS is my strong suit. I didn't try to fight it. It's what I do well. Well, moderately well. And upcoming psych quiz shouldn't be anything... as far as studying goes, at least. They always ask slightly odd questions, though, which is what usually gets me. I should get back to work, I guess, but as it has been told (and not just by me), I'm not always up for the hard work.

You should be proud, though - I actually went to Social Psych today. It was COMPLETELY USELESS. She just went over this article we had to read and told me what I already knew. Then we watched some movie clip that ended up being pretty boring. Sad, really. Other classes were normal. I stayed up 'til 4 with Kyle and woke up at 8, so I kept planning on taking a nap, but I was lured awake by fucking Short Circuit. Then, Green St. with Spritz then Green St. with Justin, then happy cake party for Dank (although it included studying, which was an error... I could've put it off then, I guess). Guess I should buzz through my notes a few times more, just to keep them in my noggin. Besos and shit!

I won't be soothed,