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03/09/2003 - 10:29 a.m. | dear diary

Skip this entry. It makes no sense.

Fucking diary. Look what we've done all over again. This is what I get for wanting some attention, though.

By the way, have we met? I'm Nathan Walsh (you can call me Nate). I have the unique ability to be a total dick without even meaning it. Hang around me for a while and see... actually, maybe it's best if everyone stays away for a while. I'm sorry if you think I'm a jerk....... it certainly feels like it's beyond my control, although I'm probably mistaken. Nevertheless, it wasn't my intention to harm, although I seem to do it anyway. It'd be nice to sleep this all away (the world, I mean), but I'm totally not tired. Perhaps I need to figure myself out before I start surrounding myself with others. I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense, but I've been acting like an idiot for... well, a long time... and I'm wondering if I have the strength to stop. I've let myself go on autopilot for so long; some conscious action is my only hope. Still, I didn't mean to hurt anyone... I rarely do (mean it, I mean). But good intentions are like a jar full of farts. No substance. I'm sorry if I've lost any of you. Literally.

I won't be soothed,