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03/08/2003 - 4:17 p.m. | "break these chains of love? oh, yes."


"Live from CRCE, motherfuckers! (or WIMPE to the uneducated). Despite the fact that I really like Murakami's stuff, I don't think I can readmuch more for now. Less than an hour left, though, which is certainly doable.

Y'all prolly think I'm fucked up all the time, but let me tell you, I feel downright peaceful right now. In case you haven't noticed, it is fucking beeeyootifull outside, and I think that's part of it. I dunno - something [about] nice weather and being relatively carefree and the possibility of good things to come. I'd like to be outside and feel the cool wind in my eyes. I guess that's not all I'd like, but it's a pretty good start.

I've taken to hula hooping again (once I finally got the energy to detangle it from the bundles of ethernet cards [by which I meant cable] and such behind my desk); I could go for some of that, too. I'm already getting adept again. I can drop to my knees and get back back up, plus jumps and recovery. Funny how I don't see this as a wasted talent. Hmm.

I dunno, man. I just keep smiling. And my eyes water with, like, happiness. This isn't the "manic" part, is it? Maybe just some serious spring fever. Or a bad case of the sillies.

I cut a little hole in the top of my bubble gum cigarettes box so that I have to tap them out, just like a grownup. Of course, I technically am a grownup, but I don't need you to spread that slander around.

Ooh - new John Mayer single: "Why Georgia," as expected. I like a good 15 seconds of it: "So what? So I've got a smile on? It's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head." That's how I feel a lot, man... But I'm peachy for now... And maybe I'll talk to some people or take a little something because it would be wonderful to feel normal all the time.

People are always trying to screw us reps over. They don't realize that I have the means to completely own them, and that my character is all that stops me from doing it.

I will definitely be running back home today. That's, like, joy squared for me these days.

Note: Replace "learning" with "LARNING." Much better. Also, kill Allen for stealing my CUMTD joke >:|"

I won't be soothed,