annals | guests | diaryland

01/27/2003 - 1:29 p.m. | awesome drum part at end of second verse

Really, there is so little to talk about. "SO DON'T WRITE!" Quiet. Yesterday was spent watching Lisa breeze in and out of my apartment (out when pissy - for me not loving "60 Minutes" and not hating Britney Spears, respectively - and in when forgiving), doing math homework (holy shit - it takes me so long... "What is... integral? How to cosine?"), and emersing myself in Mr. Tolkien's sad little world (I finished Fellowship and have made some progress in the video game, despite my obvious lack of talent!). I spent some of the evening at Lis'. She's sick with about a million things, and she's not one of those "tough it out" sort of people. Came back here to an empty room and a disappointing Jimmy John's samich, followed by more ADVENTURES OF HOBBITS AND WIZARDS!!! Kyle and Spritz came back later, but with a metal drink shaker (finally! an artist needs his tools!), and then I played Parappa (nostalgia) and walked to the gas station for orange juice and only orange juice. I slept late.

Or early, if you are an optimist. VOLTAIRE WOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT, THOUGH! Fucking Voltaire.

I made today Bus Day to see if I could get to my classes any faster. I was 5 or more minutes late to each of them, 10 minutes in the case of Calc. Thank you, 21 Quad. Classes were OK, I think. I was getting sleepy in Psych, but then Sharmin (!) started asking us personal questions. Everyone got ones that were fun to answer, so I was a little disappointed with mine ("Have you ever done anything illegal?" "Yes." "I won't ask.") Calc was the nonstop funfest you'd expect. We did another, like, 4 problems today! Entomology was cute, and in Theatre, we watched Waking Ned Devine. I'd seen it before, but there's really no such thing as too much Bilbo Baggins and old naked man on scooter. NO SUCH THING!?!?!

I wanna run through the halls of my high school! I wanna scream at the top of my lungs!

Anyway, I'm done for the rest of the day, and there's pretty little homework to do (except the math, which will always take longer than I think), so I'm gonna scram.

I won't be soothed,