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01/17/2003 - 4:36 a.m. | full-contact origami

Well, obviously, I'm getting more used to being awake now, as I'm seriously not as sleepy as I once would have been. Of course, Avril Lavigne had a role in that. Guess I did learn the words to "Complicated" at some point. I'm sort of killing time until we take Spritz to the train station, so some brief (har) catch up is in order, correct? Correct.

So, the sign. Yes. Kyle and Spritz wandered around at around 6 yesterday and had some antics. Sign, for one, but they additionally found the door to the basement of the Canopy Club to be open and stole 20 lbs. of pepperoni. AHAHAHAHA But seriously, it's not hilarious. At all. AHAHAHAHA

Today I went to get books with Spritz - $212, cheap this time! Fucking college. Then we went to the pipe store to get butane torches. He got his "for a friend" and I got mine once I saw how badass the torches were. Then, burning (among other things, we lit a bonfire in plastic donkey). And it seems like we ate a lot today, but I guess our cycles are just really askew. But we made mac and cheese and just continued chillin' until we left to eat some more... As a general rule, N64 games seems to be really cute and have really terrible controls. Don't argue. I love "Yoshi's Story" despite it all (and possibly because of the singing) But yeah, we met Kyle Relatives. I can't really tell you how they "were" because the smell of Kyle's parents apartment really threw me off. It's not Kyle's family or anything; the whole building just smells odd (I don't want to say "like old people," but I may have no choice), and it really distracted me today. Then again, not that the conversation at the Wilds' was extremely stimulating in of itself.


Then we went to Appleby's, and I owned 'em for another 4 kiwi lemonads (bet you're regretting those "free refills" now, eh?!). I also had some salad with chicken, which was OK, but I prolly should've gotten chicken and a salad. It would've seemed more satisfying. How many times have you heard John Mayer's "Your Body is a Wonderland" today? For me, it's 4 times, twice being the video. Once, the planets aligned correctly, and 2 different radio stations were each playing a different John Mayer song. You can imagine the dilemna I was in. I chose "No Such Thing" because of the kickin' drums after the second verse (badaduhduhluhdada, respectively)

Anyway, we got back, and had the bonfire and chilled watchin' the TV. Some special about Arsenio Hall's show was on VH1. Apparently, Arsenio and Vanilla Ice absolutely hated each other. They really should make their peace, as they are both washed up now. HA! Then, Kyle and I tried to improve our abs (after an LL Cool J video - and possibly an episode of "Boy Meets World"); he used his "As Seen on TV" AbSlide, and I used my "As Seen on V" AbElectroshockTherapyBelt. He practically passed out from exhaustion, and I felt hundreds of tiny electric needles jabbing my stomach, so we'll see whose shitty device works better.

God, I'm writing a lot. By the way, good luck to Smacko (he's trying to beat the 04 alarms; Spritz and I helped to the best of our ability, but he's the fucking ninja here)

Then, the three of us listened to this spoken word cassette that Spritz has had since like 8th grade. He said it rocks, and it rocks. It's by Hugh Brown Shu, and it's hilarious. He talks about Tony Robbins and Kojak and has hence vanished from the face of the earth! Spritz's (spritzes!) gonna try to transfer the cassette to his computer, so maybe you can get it from him, but you could try and track it down here or somewhere, and you really should.

By the way, I think Michelle Branch is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I hate caps, too, but it is quite necessary for her. Kyle and I just gaped throughout the Santana video. For me, anyway, it's not a sexual thing, though. I just want to wander around and say "Awwww!" all the time. I call it Grace Woo Syndrome.

ANYWAY, time to put this baby to rest. But not us! Not yet! Man, my abs hurt!

I won't be soothed,