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01/15/2003 - 5:30 p.m. | where has the day gone?

Well, in all honesty, there wasn't too much day to start with. I woke up at around noon (a good 6 hours of sleep) when Ryan called and asked me if I wanted to fill in for him at 2. I agreed and then commenced cleaning myself and trying to memorize the damn IMPE floorplan. Pretty soon I had to start walking (25 minutes, you know) and then I worked there for the last 3 hours (and another 25 back). Work was pretty uneventful. Ryan and Drew stopped by and gave me shit about not wearing khakis, but they ended up being 15 minutes late for their shift, which would seem to be the worse wrong to me.

Last night was fun. I went to Justin's and we (his Lisa as well) ate tacos and watched TV and played Trivial Pursuit. The new edition's so hard, though! We couldn't even finish! I won, but only 'cause I had more pie than everyone else. Justin got me the best Christmas gift, this Kung Fu Kidz toy. It's this little bald toy that does kicks and yells and then plays a song that is supposed to sort of sound like Carl Douglas' "Kung Fu Fighting" except that the lyrics are worse (yes, it is possible) and the whole thing is off key. He also got me more fucking awful blue Bungee gum. Indescribably bad.

When I got back home, Kyle, Spritz, and I played the game of unspeakable fun (not Taboo - the other, shameful one) and came up with some more drinks. They give me challenges, where they put a fuckload of some ass terrible alcohol in, and I have to cover it up. I am fairly adept, but tequilla just won't die. hehe - To test, I take the smallest sips possible and then wash them down with like half a 7-Up. I cool. I got Kyle and Spritz pretty buzzed, though!

Hey, let's go
Round and round
Blow by blow
To the sound
Mix it up
As the beat goes down
'Cause we're fast as lightning
Kung fu, kung fu fighting!

I won't be soothed,