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01/09/2003 - 10:18 p.m. | double talk

When Lis is pissed at me, and we're on AIM, she uses periods at the end of her sentences to indicate it. Once upon a time I did not know these things. I wish she could just tell me when she's angry... I'm not sure why. I mean, we both understand the code, so it's not like it's a hassle to figure it out or anything. I just wish she could say it.

Getting out of this situation isn't too hard - if you're not stubborn. I'm stubborn sometimes. The correct thing to do here is apologize for being sarcastic, which I should just go ahead and do, but I'm not entirely apologetic for it yet, and the punishment always seems worse than the crime. One sarcastic remark yields loads of resentment and guilt, quite a few sarcastic remarks in return, and numerous threats to either leave or not talk to me for a while. By the way, here's the fuck up:

Lis: holy shit. the up 'til dawn executive board already raised $3111.99
Me: What is it?

Now, I agree. I wasn't sensitive to this at all. What I said was dumb. But it was just a little dumb thing before I actually tried talking to her about it. I was just sort of amused that she used this familiar tone about it and that I had no idea what it meant. Anyway, I'll write more in a bit.

I won't be soothed,