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01/03/2003 - 11:32 p.m. | no hon / please hon

The word "honey" bores into my skull like a drill. Its derivative, "hon," is somehow a thousand times worse. I could never be a waitress at a cliched diner, then. I'd be like, "What'll you have, h-h-h-h-h-h-h--" and then die on the floor. It'd be like the Fonz trying to say he was sorry. Impossible!


Honestly, though, I need to sleep. Speaking of which, I'm still deciding on the whole "honest entry" concept. Like, it's good to be honest, but you aren't supposed to try and hurt people either... I mean, let's put it on a larger perspective. There are sometimes thing I want to do (or don't want to, if that's the case), and society dictates that I shouldn't (or should) do them. So, by going against this norm, am I being true to myself, or am I acting like a selfish prick? Honestly, feedback would be good. I wish I had a panel of judges to talk to sometimes. Like the people on Jeopardy, but with more morality... "Judges? Oh, I'm sorry... You can't skip your grandparents' party. You control the board..."

I won't be soothed,