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12/03/2002 - 6:13 p.m. | UPDATE, YOU LAZY CUR!!!

It has nothing to do with Magic: The Gathering. I promise you this. And certainly not Spritz.

I guess little happens to me anyway. Bought Citizen "Contact" Cope for $4 (as well as The Streets, but that's a damn afterthought), and I finally won an eBay auction, which is simply amazing. It wasn't even a "Buy It Now!" one!

Lisa and I watched this... movie, I guess you'd call it... about call girls. It was, I dunno, a pseudo documentary but with FEELING and there wasn't any sex in it. Only bras. WTF WORLD

You should get the song "Gunshy" by Liz Phair because I listened to it a lot today. NOT THE SONG OF THE DAY, THOUGH.

My damn $9 Sony headphones are crapping out again. I'll simply buy more.

I need to start on my Sociology paper, but I prolly won't 'cause I have important, non-Magic, things to do. :|

I won't be soothed,