annals | guests | diaryland

12/01/2002 - 9:13 p.m. | all i ever do is recap (isn't that the point?)

Okay, feel better now, I suppose... for several reasons:

a) we're gonna start playing pogs! Which is cool. SHUT UP. The only thing is that, for it to be fun, you have to devote a serious attachment to your pogs, which none of us have yet. Maybe if I buy some on eBay...

[Speaking of which, some asshole snuck in an end bid just like EVERY OTHER TIME I bid, and now I lost a really cool Christmas gift for Lisa >:O]

b) I am wearing a happy picnic shirt under a sweater, so I look like a huge dork!

c) emogame.com - retarded but great, just like everything else I love

d) Grace Woo randomly told Lisa on AIM "your boyfriend is weird." That's cool on so many levels...

Here's a thought for everyone I haven't shared this with: OK, what's the "A" in "AIM" stand for? "America On-Line" Good. Now, who can tell me what is wrong with that acronym? "It should be AOLIM!" Damn straight. Spread the word.

Last night Spritz and I "shot the shit" for a good couple hours (if I said we had an intimate chat, that'd sound gay or feminine or something, so I have to use the swears). Then we got Mike & Ikes and watched Bubble Boy 'til 3... I love college.

I also tried a hilarious scheme to get a letter out of the mail slot involving a yo-yo, a washer, and duct tape. Sadly, it failed.

I dunno if I can stand return to the rigors that is the liberal arts curriculum tomorrow. My ass.

OK, you're all caught up! Besos!

I won't be soothed,