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11/06/2002 - 6:41 p.m. | eat it, tianyue zhou!

Damn you, Tianyue Zhou! At Kenney, we have to wait until everyone gives us back their towels (after 6) or 6:15, whichever comes first. There's this grad student, Tianyue Zhou, and 2 weeks in a row now, she comes to Kenney and stays forever! Like, past 6:15. You'd think she'd learn her lesson the first time we just locked up with her card still inside and all the hassle of asking people to open the door and what, but nope - better just amble through the hallways. I dunno - I guess I could yell, but I guess it's just more hours for me this way...

Speaking of hours, I am working 8 of them this Saturday morning... Jesus Christ! And it's at IMPE, so I dunno if I'm supposed to be all professional and not do homework or anything while I'm there (which would suck)... Wow, it's gonna be boring! I mean, I already fly through stuff already (astronomy homework was assigned this morning; I finished it this afternoon). Suggest books to read!

I shaved my unibrow chunks today, as well as the rogue mole hair on my cheek. So now I'm just Mr. Upstanding Citizen...

The rest of the day was just there. Easy Psych quiz, boring boring movie in JLit, same old lecture in Astronomy, Lis came to Sociology :) but I fell asleep for a bit and she was angry at me (those two aren't connected), which kinda sucks. Apparently she didn't take it jokingly when I elbowed her several times... although she seemed to at the time. I might be wrong. Usually am.

Food now. Or maybe ramen.

I won't be soothed,