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11/06/2002 - 1:01 a.m. | random shit, i guess

Worst fear: That a carful of drunk guys will drive past me when I'm walking back to Europa and whip a half-empty can of beer at my head. I flinch when certain cars go by... even though I have no way of telling.

Man, if I were a girl, I'd have the best way to cheat ever! See, I'd get a low-cut shirt, and I'd write notes on my boobs (This is assuming I would have big boobs. I mean, I'm skinny so it's not likely, but I'm gonna fantasize here. I'm a weird ass guy, but I'd be the perfect woman. Skinny with big ass boobs... and an ass that don't quit) Then I could just check myself out, and I'd be all set! And if a teacher ever got suspicious, I'd let them try to explain and then slap them and call them fresh. hehe - "Fresh!"

Lisa looks (and sounds) like an 8 year old with her retainers in, which makes me seem like quite the pedophile - especially when she sings "Oops, I Did It Again" and dances around. I'm honestly not, though. Really.

By the way, if you ever need to call Lisa by her full name (like, if you're a frustrated parent or something), it is Lisaphone S. Yung. Mmm-hmm.

I won't be soothed,