annals | guests | diaryland

10/22/2002 - 6:14 p.m. | hit 3 to turn that shit off!

So, about today... I went to my psych experiment thing. It was sort of interesting. Each person was sealed in a room with a computer, and they were given a role. For instance, I was a representative of a film company that wanted to make a certain movie with a certain director, and I had to negotiate the terms (salary, creative freedom, production time) with the director's agent (another participant in the experiment). We had to use an instant messenging program to do it, though, and as we all know, me and about six other people actually know how to type. So we start (I had to wait 10 minutes because the other person took too long on the quiz - possibly because you had to add numbers), and I say, "Hi, I'm N. Nice to meet you!" They immediately respond with, "waht u watn i qant 24 moenths with 7%" Uhhh... See, each issue we were supposed to negotiate had a different amount of points based on your decision. So, like, if we decided to get the movie out in 18 months instead of 24, I'd get more points than they would. The goal is to get the most points, but my negotiate friend seemed to just scream about wanting the best without giving reasons. If I argued, I had a real world reason. "If we release the movie in summer, more people are likely to go see it..." "24 MONTHS" Ok, fucktard. I pretty much got hosed on most of the stuff, but that's 'cause I was dealing with RoboDoofus. I know winning was part of the experiment, but we were supposed to take it seriously. Being King Yell isn't how most of us get stuff done.

Then, Lisa and I were supposed to meet, but the entire plan hinged on her being somewhere at the correct time, so yeah - there went an hour. Then I half-assedly studied sociology (almost all of the terms are intuitive) and watched bad TV - early "Even Stevens" and that old favorite Gunga Din (KALI!!!) I need to study some more, I guess, but there's still lots of time tonight and tomorrow... Heh heh heh

I won't be soothed,